Questions tagged [x11]

X11 is Version 11 of the X Window System, commonly used on Linux, BSD, and Unix systems to provide the lower level graphics, input, and window management API's that higher level desktops such as GNOME and KDE build upon.

X11 is Version 11 of the X Window System, commonly used on , , and systems to provide the lower level graphics, input, and window management API's that higher level desktops such as GNOME and KDE build upon.

The primary open source implementation is now published by the X.Org Foundation on the web site. Version 11 was first released in 1987, and while many subsequent releases have occurred since, they have maintained backwards compatibility with the Version 11 protocols and APIs.

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169 questions
3 answers

How do I install a font in Linux so that it's usable by xterm?

I came across a question today asking for good Linux xterm fonts, and an answer suggests one called Terminus. I've been looking for a new terminal font for a while now, so I downloaded it (BTW, I'm running Ubuntu Intrepid) and read the README: 1.1.…
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3 answers

SSH - How to turn on X forwarding on normal connection

I know I can connect to a host and use window apps via running ssh -X . But what if I'm already connected via normal ssh e.g., ssh . Is there a way to turn X forwarding on without having to reconnect?
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4 answers

Will a remote X-Windows session run faster if I install a better video card in the remote server?

I don't know much about X-Windows. Sometimes I run a remote X-windows session to an HP DL380 host from my MacBook Pro on the same LAN. I'm using X11 forwarding with the ssh -X option. The X-Windows performance is kind of slow. How can I speed this…
3 answers

Setting up xpra for client use in OS X

I've been trying to get xpra to run on OS X for the last few days to connect to my Ubuntu server. Note that there's a GUI for it called shifter, but that (at least on OS X) is still far too buggy. For those who don't know what xpra is, if you know…
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10 answers

Is there a visual bell in Linux that works in X?

I know there is such a thing as a visual bell in Vim that makes the whole screen flash instead of beeping. Several terminal programs also have the same feature. I'm looking for a similar type of visual bell that will flash all of my screens, on all…
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6 answers

Starting x11vnc remotely when X server is already running

I have a ubuntu linux machine that I have already logged into and X server is running (it is pass the login manager like gdm). I can access this machine through ssh. My goal is to start x11vnc on this machine and attach it to the X server that is…
Madiyaan Damha
1 answer

Are directories with mode `drwxrwxrwt` safe in /tmp on a *nix system?

drwxrwxrwt 2 root root 4096 Aug 20 2015 .font-unix drwxrwxrwt 2 root root 4096 Aug 20 2015 .ICE-unix -rw------- 1 root root 0 Aug 20 2015 ipt.err -rw------- 1 root root 90 Aug 20 2015 ipt.out drwxr-xr-x …
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2 answers

How do you configure X11 forwarding over SSH on AIX?

Here is what I've tried. I've edited /etc/ssh/sshd_config on the remote AIX system X11Forwarding yes X11DisplayOffset 10 X11UseLocalhost yes as well as set $DISPLAY DISPLAY=localhost:10.0 export DISPLAY ...reboot connect via RHEL ssh -X…
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4 answers

Sharing a linux desktop server for multiple users: remote desktop or virtualization?

We are a small web software company (~ 10 people). At present, every dev works on his local machine (some windows, some ubuntu) using a local apache. We have a samba share for shared files and central SVN repositories. I would like to centralize our…
Steffen Müller
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2 answers

Getting Xvfb to start upon booting system in Ubuntu Maverick

I'm trying to get Xvfb to run when the system starts up on Ubuntu 10.10 (Maverick), but it's not working. In /etc/rc.local, I have the following: /root/ >> /var/log/start_xvfb.log 2>&1 exit 0 And in /root/ I…
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5 answers

NX Server lower-case d minimizes from OS X Client?

I've installed NX Server on Ubuntu Maverick Meerkat (10.10) using the instructions found here: I have a problem using the default NX Client for OS X (10.6) downloaded from the nomachine website. When using…
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1 answer

How to properly setup X forwarding on (Ubuntu) linux?

From my desktop, I can get to my wife's machine on the lan using: ssh -X user@ Both systems are running the desktop flavour of Ubuntu 9.10-64bit. But here is the problem: When I try to run X apps like gedit, it fails with the following…
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0 answers

ffmpeg with x11grab results in black screen in vlc playback

I've installed ffmpeg on an AWS instance and have been unsuccessfuly trying to record an X session, to which I've connected over x11rdp, with the client being Microsoft Remote Desktop. Here's the terminal command I am using and its output: $ ffmpeg…
1 answer

How can I completely remove X-Windows from Fedora?

A while ago I installed my first Linux server using Fedora 10. I then upgraded to Fedora 11 and realized that I never use X-Windows on the machine, and during each update downloading a huge amount of files I don't need since everything on the…
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1 answer

SSH X11 Forwarding XInputExtension missing

When trying to open a GUI-program on a SSH-Session with X11-Forwarding (both client and server have X11Forwarding activated) I get this error: Xlib: extension "XInputExtension" missing on display ":4". Application asked to unregister timer…
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