Questions tagged [workgroup]

A windows workgroup is an adhoc network of computers that are placed in the same LAN subnet and communicate using NBNS,Browser and the SMB protocol. Workgroups are used to share files/devices over the network in an adhoc manner with no centralized management.

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Windows LocalSystem vs. System tells: Local System : Completely trusted account, moreso than the administrator account. There is nothing on a single …
3 answers

At what point does a domain suit a network better than a workgroup?

At what point does a domain suit a network better than a workgroup? Is there a threshold below which a domain is simply too much work for benefits gained? Is there a point after which a workgroup is too hard to manage and a domain is more…
Rory Becker
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How should I remove users from Administrators group without Active Directory?

Context: I am a new junior sysadmin and I have inherited a small office workgroup of about 12 windows machines, production and backup fileservers, and a sql server. All user accounts on the fileserver are members of the Administrators group. I…
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5 answers

Installing RDS on Windows Server 2012 without AD

I've just started working with Windows Server 2012 and I'm stuck trying to get Remote Desktop Services installed. My server is in a virtual machine and there is no Active Directory domain. I recall that with Windows Server 2008 R2 it was possible…
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Best practice advise asked when users want to work on their workstation and from remote (but on their desktop), on Windows

I've got a work-group of 5 people. All of them have their dedicated machine with Windows 7. They are all connected to a central server running Windows Server 2008 R2, currently mainly offering the file-server role, one shared data directory for…
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What's FQDN of a WORKGROUP pc?

What do I enter when asked for FQDN (fully qualified domain name), for a PC that's not in a domain but in a WORKGROUP instead?
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Moving from Windows Server 2000 workgroup to Windows Server 2008 domain

I work in a small office (5 full-time staff and 4 part-time staff). We don't have an IT department of any kind and we have managed to run things pretty will here for a while. All of the computers in our group are part of a "workgroup" that…
4 answers

Sharing a linux desktop server for multiple users: remote desktop or virtualization?

We are a small web software company (~ 10 people). At present, every dev works on his local machine (some windows, some ubuntu) using a local apache. We have a samba share for shared files and central SVN repositories. I would like to centralize our…
Steffen Müller
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Active Directory and Apple's Workgroup Manager

I thought I'd share my experiences here. I work for a small business with only ~20 users. I wanted the ability to use managed client preferences to assign things like the software update server. Basically the ability to manage my Macs easily and in…
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Powershell DSC File copy - Workgroup machines

I've got a machine that I need to copy files to from a network share (on domain) for a deployment from a machine that's off domain. Currently I have the following code; Configuration deployWebsite { param ( [string[]] $MachineName =…
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Is a gradual migration from a workgroup to a domain possible?

I have a small setup of around ~30 computers [some of which are located at a remote office] that I need to get migrated over from a workgroup to a domain to maintain my sanity. The previous admin didn't mind managing things this way, but keeping…
2 answers

Can not get RD Session Host server to accept my credentials for a Licensing server in a workgroup setup

Updated: I changed the setup to make it closer to the live environment, I am no longer using IP addresses to connect to each other. I also have clarified the question more, if it needs more clarification, please let me know. I am doing some testing…
3 answers

Two users using the same same user profile while not in a domain

I have a windows server 2003 acting as a terminal server, this computer is not a member of any domain. We demo our product on the server by creating a user account. The person logs in uses the demo for a few weeks and when they are done we delete…
1 answer

How to list active directory groups in linux for a given user, one per line, knowing that some group name contain a space character

When using "groups" or "id -Gn", I end up with the typical space-delimited list of all groups for the current user. These commands run on the assumption that group names cannot contain a space character, and indeed, as long as we stay within Unix,…
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Psexec: "unknown user name or bad password" in workgroup

I have 2 machines with Windows XP SP2 Professional on the same workgroup; I can ping each of them from the other one; My psexec command(run from machine with ip: psexec \\ -u Administrator -p adminPass…
ayyob khademi
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