Questions tagged [windows-authentication]

Windows authentication (or Integrated Windows Authentication) is a process where connections to applications or external systems are automatically authenticated with the currently logged on Windows user. This functionality was first made available in Windows 2000.

Windows authentication (or Integrated Windows Authentication) is a process where connections to applications or external systems are automatically authenticated with the currently logged on Windows user. This functionality was first made available in Windows 2000.

IWA is not actually a standard or authentication protocol, but is a process that relies on the underlying authentication protocols used by Windows and an application that is aware of them to transparently pass authentication information along to the requesting server or service.

There is a brief summary of IWA/WA on Wikipedia, here.

289 questions
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Windows Server 2008, IIS7 and Windows Authentication

We currently have a development server set up which we are trying to test some Windows authentication ASP.NET code on. We have turned on Windows Authentication in IIS7 on Windows Server 2008 R2 fine, and it asks the user for a username and password…
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User accessing Windows share keeps receiving username/password request (across OpenVPN if that's relevant)

At my work, we have set up an OpenVPN system for our remote users to access the machines in the office. The office machines are set up on a domain. I have created a domain user for her. A new employee is having difficulty accessing the servers. …
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Windows Authentication Website Asking for Credentials

I have a website that has ASP.Net Impersonation Enabled and Windows Authentication Enabled. When navigating to that site using IE8 with "Enable Integrated Windows Authentication" (under Tools -> Internet Options -> Advanced) checked, the browser…
1 answer

A Local Service gets 401 error accessing ASP website

I have Anonymous access disabled for Active Directory Auth via Windows Authentication and the service I use to run an ASP page every 15 minutes gets a 401 unauthorized when it tries to run. How do I allow the service which runs locally to the web…
2 answers

IIS7: Allow users to identify themselves with either "Windows Authentication" or "Basic Authentication" on the same file

Is it possible to have both windows authentication and basic authentication enabled on one .asmx page in IIS7? What I want is: Someone calls webservice If possible, use windows authentication (e.g. when calling from another Microsoft based…
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Access windowsauthentication SQL Server 2008R2 after Domain change

When I installed the SQL Server 2008R2 on the windows server, the computer was not in a domain. After I installed it, now someone moved the server into a domain. Problem is: the server can not be accessed anymore, since it is set to windows…
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How best to troubleshoot a WIA issue through an IIS7 reverse proxy

I've got an Intranet site that uses Windows Authentication and is accessed through an IIS 7 Reverse Proxy. Using FireFox, Safari or Chrome it works fine. I'm prompted for credentials, I supply them and away I go. In IE 7/8 I get prompted for…
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4 answers

integrating ldap workstation login with webapps

Is there a way to integrate an LDAP authentication system on a windows network with intranet webapps so that the user on logging into their desktop does not need to log in a second time with the web app? Open to other forms of authenticating other…
3 answers

How can I copy from one domain pc (winxp) logged off, to another domain server (w2k3)

I have a automation build server which creates nightly builds. It does this while logged off in Windows XP. This is is one domain while the server I wish to copy the builds to is in another domain (win2k3). I can't use a network share when logged…
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Intranet Site Authentication Issues on SBS 2008

Simply, the Sharepoint intranet site that is automatically installed with SBS 2008 is bound to port 5555 in IIS so to get to it you can browse to server-name:5555 and then authenticate using domain credentials. I have added another binding on port…
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Why is my Windows 11 host sending connection reset packets to AWX using certificate authentication?

Here is what I have done so far. Installed AWX 2.9 using docker on CentOS. Successfully managing Windows nodes (8,10) through AWX and WinRM using certificate authentication. (No problem here) Recently got a windows 11 node and certificate…
0 answers

asp classic application inside an ASP.NET application - Windows Auth not working Kerberos and Edge browser

I have an asp classic application inside an ASP.NET application. The default.aspx page reads the Windows login of the user and looks them up in a database table. Then it puts the credentials in a cookie and passes it to the menu page of the asp…
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Is it possible to set up a on premise Windows Server so that its possible to login with Office 365 credentials?

It feels like I've searched everywhere about this but I get lost in all the variants that exists. What we want: To be able to login on our (on premise) Windows Servers using our Office365 credentials. What we have: Windows Servers What we don't…
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Ubuntu Kerberos Parent Domain Auth Fails

We have an Ubuntu 18.4 server joined to the child domain. I'm able to ssh to the server with child domain account but not with parent domain account. Here is my krb5.conf [libdefaults] default_realm = DOMAIN.LOCAL ticket_lifetime =…
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IIS Windows Authentication - Failure 2304 on some machines

I am working currently on an IIS server that uses Windows Authentication. There is a weird problem for me when there are some PCs that when trying to browse to the server - they get a prompt to enter credentials instead of IIS getting that from…