Questions tagged [windows-authentication]

Windows authentication (or Integrated Windows Authentication) is a process where connections to applications or external systems are automatically authenticated with the currently logged on Windows user. This functionality was first made available in Windows 2000.

Windows authentication (or Integrated Windows Authentication) is a process where connections to applications or external systems are automatically authenticated with the currently logged on Windows user. This functionality was first made available in Windows 2000.

IWA is not actually a standard or authentication protocol, but is a process that relies on the underlying authentication protocols used by Windows and an application that is aware of them to transparently pass authentication information along to the requesting server or service.

There is a brief summary of IWA/WA on Wikipedia, here.

289 questions
1 answer

Samba authenticates users, but does not reply

Sometimes the samba 4.1.11 stops serving the clients. Every day, I have to restart the smbd just to get this fixed. The windows clients say, that the shared device is unreachable or the authentication has failed. When they try to connect, the…
0 answers

Cross-server NTLM authentication failing

I think this issue has less to do with software development and more to do with general network configuration, so I'm posting the question here initially. I have an MVC4 application hosted in IIS 7.5 on a Windows 2008 R2 server (let's call it WS1).…
1 answer

Auto-authenticate to a domain network share

Hoping one of you can help me out with a network share issue I'm having. I have a domain and three servers and NAS on it. The NAS has a network share that is password protected and uses Active Directory to authenticate. If I try to access the share…
1 answer

IIS Logs even unauthenticated users

I'm planning to get some information by processing IIS Log files (after I imported them into SQL Server database). Now, even if user gives wrong username/password, but request to a file that exists on the server, it is logged and I cannot detect…
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Unable to login with Windows Auth on server but can externally IIS 7

I'm running Windows Server 2008 Standard Edition with IIS 7.5. I have TFS 2013 Update 2 installed and for whatever reason I cannot connect to my web site which requires Windows Auth while remote desktop'd onto the server, however, if I connect via…
1 answer

Server 2008 r2 event logs show different username than one used for UNC

I am trying to UNC Path to the C drive of a hyper-v based VM that is running Windows Server 2008 R2 standard. I can RDP into the system just fine using the machine name. When I enter the UNC path: \\machinename\c$ I am prompted for credentials. The…
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User authentication -- username mismatch in IIS in ASP.NET application

Last week, an employee's Active Directory username was changed (or a new one was created for them). For the purposes of this example, let's assume these usernames: Old: Domain\11111 New: Domain\22222 When this user now logs in using their new…
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Cross domain UNC Paths - Securing Credentials

I have a folder on a Remote Domain: \DomainRemote\Shared_Folder And a process on a local Domain which needs to access said share: Trusts exist between the domains - but only authenticated users from Local Domain should be able to access the…
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3 answers

Getting http 403 error when accessing website from remote client

I have created an website that is to be accessed from client browsers running on the same domain. I've hosted the site on IIS 7.5 I have disabled Anonymous Authentication and Enabled Windows Authentication from the Features View under the…
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1 answer

Authenticate to a machine not in the domain

I set up a windows server 2003 in a VM to test some code. The prod server has IIS6 and since I have Win 7 I can only install IIS 7 in my dev machine. Obviously I didn't add the machine to my company domain, nor that I want to. I'm having troubles…
2 answers

Windows Authentication over diferent domains

In my company we have a very complex infrastructure. We are from a subcompany, and we have a Active Directory Domain, configured in our PC's. Otherwise, all of us, have a Directory account for main company for access some resources and websites from…
2 answers

Linux workstation and Active Directory authentication

I read a few articles regarding "How to Authenticate Linux Clients with Microsoft Active Directory" My question before I do it: what will happen to Notebooks that try to login when the Active directory server is not available? It's not an issue with…
3 answers

Why Does A/D Account Need SQL Server Login?

I need some help on understanding the differences between Windows and SQL Server Authentication: We have a SQL Server 2008 set to SQL Server and Windows Authentication Mode. There is one A/D user -- munis -- that can log into our SQL Server. That…
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Inter-connect two active directories for sharepoint authentication

I have 1 server with windows 2003 which is our office's domain controller, and other server with windows server 2008 in another office. The domain names are different, and what i need to do, is interconnect both active directories, to authenticate…
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Using Windows Authentication accross Domains when using VPN?

Is it possible to use Windows Authentication for users who are logged into their computer on one domain (ABC) on a particular AD system, for services that are on a second domain (XYZ) on a second AD system? Example: A user logs into their desktop…
C. Ross
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