I'm running Windows Server 2008 Standard Edition with IIS 7.5. I have TFS 2013 Update 2 installed and for whatever reason I cannot connect to my web site which requires Windows Auth while remote desktop'd onto the server, however, if I connect via a browser externally or from within Visual Studio 2013 I can connect fine. The problem is that the build system needs to connect to TFS from the same server and therefore cannot authenticate via Windows Auth.

I tried removing/reinstalling Windows Authentication in the roles manager, that didn't make any difference. I've tried changing the Windows Auth options, again, no difference. I tried adding the https site to the Intranet settings in the windows control panel Internet options area - again, no change.

Why from within the server itself can I not authenticate with Windows auth but if I connect via a web browser external to the server I can?

Thank you.

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1 Answers1


The error code in the 401.1 page was Error Code 0xc000006d and when googled took me to http://support.microsoft.com/kb/896861 and adding the registry key resolved the issue.

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  • This just solved a completely different problem - Two web services on the same IIS instance trying to windows authenticate to each other.... This key solved it!!! – Callum Linington Jun 13 '17 at 09:54