Questions tagged [windows-authentication]

Windows authentication (or Integrated Windows Authentication) is a process where connections to applications or external systems are automatically authenticated with the currently logged on Windows user. This functionality was first made available in Windows 2000.

Windows authentication (or Integrated Windows Authentication) is a process where connections to applications or external systems are automatically authenticated with the currently logged on Windows user. This functionality was first made available in Windows 2000.

IWA is not actually a standard or authentication protocol, but is a process that relies on the underlying authentication protocols used by Windows and an application that is aware of them to transparently pass authentication information along to the requesting server or service.

There is a brief summary of IWA/WA on Wikipedia, here.

289 questions
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No access over firewall to shared folder on clustered fileserver, but access to shares on a node server works

Update 2019-11-21: We have new a Windows Failover Cluster installed and are running a clustered file server on it that hosts file shares. We need to access these shares through a firewall from another network that has no domain trust established…
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nginx - prevent caching authorization info

I am using nginx as reverse proxy for my core web application. I am using spnego module for nginx for supporting of windows integrated authentication. It is works, but if user enters incorrect credentials, credentials is not prompted again?…
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How to login to MS SQL Server using Ubuntu OS & ODBC with disabled SQL Server Authentication and only accept Windows Authentication?

It is only part of my problem but technically, I am trying to access an SQL Server with disabled SQL Server Authentication using ODBC connection string in Ubuntu OS. I already tried to connect with SQL Server Authentication enabled and it is…
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What sort of authentication is a windows machine local group with a domain user added to it?

I went and looked at a service that was run by a domain user. The process for the service read from a file on the machine's hard drive, and in the ACLs for that service there was an ACE for the local domain administrator group. And inside the domain…
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Windows Perms - ADOMAIN\AMACHINE$ - means what (precisely)?

I've got a task running on AMACHINE under the SYSTEM account. There's a shared directory on BMACHINE which is visible on AMACHINE and that shared directory allows r+w to a username ADOMAIN\AMACHINE$. I believe that ADOMAIN\AMACHINE$ means any users…
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What are the rules regarding casing of values for environment variable USERNAME in Windows?

One of my customers says that in his AD usernames have mixed case sometimes and besides that, that people are able to successfully login using another casing of usernames. So there might be an ExampleUser in the AD and Windows allows them to login…
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Cannot log into windows 10 pro with static IP address and no internet access

I recently purchased a computer for a project at work. The OS is Windows 10 Pro. The computer asked for my Microsoft account while I was setting it up for the first time. I thought this was weird but I obediently provided my information, logged into…
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IIS Windows Authentication : IE not choosing the right certificate

I am trying to setup an intranet website (osTicket ticketing solution). I want my users to connect automatically to the website, so they don't have to fill their credentials. For this I have : Created a IIS server 10.0 Setup a dns record in my…
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NTLM with squid

I am new to Squid proxy and need help in setting up NTLM authentication. I checked so many resources on the web but did not find exact steps to get my work done Since I have no background on proxy/networking configurations, I am not able to figure…
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IIS Windows Authentication not asking for credentials

I am trying to set up a new web site using IIS7 on Windows 2008R2 The instructions i am using say to enabled Windows Authentication as seen below: The instruction say that when i try and request a page from the new site I should be prompted with a…
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Client Certificate Authentication and Windows Authentication on IIS

I have a https service hosted in IIS 10 which previously was using windows authentication, and was working good. Now, we need to implement Client Certificate Authentication. Currently i have enabled both Client Certificate Mapping Authentication and…
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Intranet running on IIS 8.5 with only Windows Authentication enabled returns 402.1 and then 403 error

WE've got an ASP.Net MVC application running on an internal server. We are using only Windows Authentication to allow access to portions of the site. When we set IIS to require an SSL connection (using internally generated cert) we always get a 403…
John S
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Windows IIS6 site authentication

I have a site running on IIS6 and I want to make it authenticate via the standard gray pop-up window. I.e. it should use Windows to authenticate. I want to make it so only one single user on the system can get in, not any user setup on the server.…
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Windows Server 2012 R2 - Help finding failed logon attempts source

I'm seeking help for this issue that I'm having in our AD domain controller where a lot of security events are being logged due to failed logon attempts by a (former) domain user that has been disabled and subsequently deleted. I'm trying to…
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How do I set Windows Server 2012 R2 to always prompt for login when connecting to it?

I'm configuring Windows Server 2012 to replace my company's Linux Samba file server. When I connect to the server on a PC by clicking Network>Server, I need to set it to always require credentials before showing the shared folders. I think the…