Questions tagged [wiki]

91 questions
3 answers

How to resolve post-migration MediaWIki search issues?

After migrating from MediaWiki 1.10.4 to 1.15.1, we are unable to get accurate search results on the new server. We migrated our existing mediawiki installation to a new server. In addition, we want to upgrade from MediaWiki 1.10.4 to 1.15.1. Both…
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6 answers

Tikiwiki or FosWiki?

So I've gone through all the features link text and can't decide between the two. I prefer foswiki to support the community and because I dont like tWiki's ideaology. However foswiki uses flat files and not a db. We are a small company with 25…
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2 answers

tfs / svn / project server / wiki on same box

We are in the process of setting up a new development environment for about a dozen developers in our IT department, and I've got a few questions as far as server setup goes.. We're going to be using TFS 2008 for our 6 or so .NET developers, and…
0 answers

Mac OS 10.6.8 Firewall Blocking Wiki for ONE User

This is a very bizarre issue that I hope someone can help with. We're running 10.6.8 server to host our internal wiki. We had the firewall enabled on that machine without any issues. Last week one user wasn't able to get onto the wiki. In…
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4 answers

Setting up a wiki from raw files

I'm not totally sure on what the story is, but it goes something like this: Professor works on a project at some other University The researchers save all their data in a wiki Project no longer gets funding so they shut it down Wiki instantly…
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How to access localy installed Screwturn Wiki from networked machines

I installed Screwturn Wiki using WebMatrix 2 and this tutorial: Installing ScrewTurn Wiki using WebMatrix, Now I have Screwturn Wiki running on my machine at http://localhost:4422/Default.aspx but have no idea how to allow other users on our network…
Fuzz Evans
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3 answers

Upgrade Mediawiki on a Windows Server 2003 box?

I was wondering if anyone knew the location or had any experience updating media wiki to the newest version 1.15.1 I see lots of documentation for Linux installs but i can't seem find any for Windows. I just "inherited" this box and don't usually…
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2 answers

Media wiki on windows server 2k3 backup/restore and upgrade

I just inhereted our companys mediawiki and 1) what files need to be backed up to be able to restore it to a diffrent machine 2) i see there is an update to 1.15.1 I looked over the site but i don;t see any instructions for upgrading a windows…
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1 answer

Can a SharePoint 2010 enterprise wiki link to a parent site's object?

I am building an Enterprise Wiki in SharePoint 2010 for an IT department with several teams. It looks like our scenario would benefit from using sub-sites for each team that is using the enterprise wiki. Common information would be in the parent…
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3 answers

Wiki Documentation With Permissions

So I've set up a MediaWiki for managing some docs, we have AD integration set up and so far things are going fine... But wow is managing permissions a pain in the butt! Requires editing LocalSettings every time, so as we add new sections I have to…
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3 answers

How do I add a URL prefix (/wiki) to MoinMoin running on uWSGI and nginx?

I just set up uWSGI and nginx (with the uWSGI module) and would like to get MoinMoin set up. I'm running uWSGI with MoinMoin with the command below: /usr/bin/uwsgi -s moin.sock --wsgi-file wiki/server/moin.wsgi -M -p 4 In nginx, I have it set up…
Corey Farwell
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3 answers

what actions would you take before you expose the you internal wiki to the world wide?

I've been asked to expose our internal wiki to the world wide, which actions would you recommend me to take to secure the wiki from potential attacks? the wiki software is mindtouch. few points I already raised: secure it with ssl to prevent M.I.D…
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1 answer

WSS 3.0 Wiki export

We have a WSS 3.0 server with a lot of wiki pages created which need to be moved over to MediaWiki. Are there any tools that can be used to automate this process? Thanks
2 answers

Good Wiki for SMB with Customer Interaction

Hey, I know there's a bunch of wiki questions already but I was wondering if anyone could recommend a good wiki thats good for use internally and can be access by some clients? Must be free (F/OSS preferred), Ubuntu (9.10+) compatible, and have…
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1 answer

Need to Export Wikipages to txt

Need to export my sharepoint wikipages to txt, is this possible? If, how? Please Help!