Questions tagged [sharepoint-services]

25 questions
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Changing farm account in Sharepoint 2010

After changing the the farm account to a domain user account I get the following error when trying to access the Central Administration page: "Cannot connect to configuration database" After I realized the headache may not be worth it, I decided to…
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Sharepoint authentication

This has me beat... we have microsoft dynamics with a sharepoint business portal interface using sharepoint services 3.0. im trying to configure the sharepoint interface to accept basic auth, so that reverse proxying works. ive found a couple of…
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Complete backup / restore solution Windows Sharepoint Services 3.0

Let me start by saying that if I've missed out on some very basic papers, KBs or anything, feel free to link me in the right direction. I've checked some threads here and haven't found the answer to the questions I have. I've created a simple script…
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SharePoint 2013 doesn't send emails

My SharePoint 2013 has stopped sending emails suddenly. I have checked my SMTP settings and outgoing email from central admin and have tried to use PowerShell to test it via this command: [Microsoft.SharePoint.Utilities.SPUtility]::SendEmail($spWeb…
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PowerPivot dashboard no data - Last successful refresh run: The cube has not been processed

I used AutoSPInstaller to install my farm, I then installed PowerPivot 2012 and configured with the following script: # Open PowerShell library from: C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL…
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Sharepoint server application unavailable after .NET 1.1 install on 64-bit 2008R2 server

When trying out a tool on my Windows Server 2008R2 I had to install .NET 1.1. Unfortunately this messed up my IIS install completely. I managed to recover most websites by running the aspnet_regiis.exe tool again (tried both .NET 2 and .NET 4,…
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Unable to administer WSS 3.0 using SQL Studio Express

I have a WSS 3.0 running on Server 2008 R1. The log files have grown to almost 15GB and need to be compressed/purged as we are running out of space on the hard drive. I have connected to the database "\.\pipe\mssql$microsoft##ssee\sql\query" using…
Brett A.
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Sharepoint permissions

this is a repost from Stack Overflow, thought some of the server fault guys might have some input on this. Just a general question regarding permissions in Sharepoint. Is there an open-source, free alternative or manual method of accomplishing…
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How do I add an Approver to SharePoint 2010?

I am still new to SharePoint and am learning so much, but have came in to a few hic-ups and here is one. I want to add an approver to SharePoint 2010 who has FULL CONTROL. My manager requested that I find out where the approval request are going and…
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Sharepoint Service 3.0: Extract user information from Active Directory

I’m working on my companies Sharepoint Intranet site which runs on a Sharepoint Service 3.0. Everything works fine except one thing. I want to create a sort of employee list with all the information about the employee, like phone, e-mail, name,…
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Remote access to Sharepoint Service 3.0 Intranet

I'm working on my companies Intranet via Sharepoint Service 3.0 but I'm having quite some difficulties trying to "open" the Intranet to remote or external access via a browser. It is important because not every employee is located within the local…
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WSS 3.0 Wiki export

We have a WSS 3.0 server with a lot of wiki pages created which need to be moved over to MediaWiki. Are there any tools that can be used to automate this process? Thanks
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Exchange 2010 + Sharepoint on single server

I seem to have the most unideal server setup so here we go: Situation: 1 Server (2008 Std), Exchange 2010 (CAS + HUB) and Sharepoint Services 3.0 installed on it. Mission: To get OWA working at: and Sharepoint at,…
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Windows SharePoint Services Search won't stop

Background: I had been asked to create a second Sharepoint application server to reprovision the one that is currently in the SharePoint Farm. I installed the os, SharePoint, and SP1. I then began the process of moving all the services on to the new…
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Logging in to Sharepoint - behaviour changes every few minutes

Super curious one here today, guys. We have Sharepoint Services 3.0 running on a farm of two physical Win2008 machines. It has been running great for well over 5 years now. No changes have been made on the server-side for years. Yesterday reports…
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