Questions tagged [tikiwiki]

3 questions
0 answers

unable to access uploaded files in tikiwiki

I have Tiki 15.4 running on a shared host - I have a problem with the file galleries feature: Uploading stuff to the file galleries works well, for instance I uploaded a .webm video and then it's listed by the wiki interface as present in the…
Ben Opp
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6 answers

Tikiwiki or FosWiki?

So I've gone through all the features link text and can't decide between the two. I prefer foswiki to support the community and because I dont like tWiki's ideaology. However foswiki uses flat files and not a db. We are a small company with 25…
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1 answer

How to install old packages in ubuntu 8.04 (apache,sambam,tikiwiki) manually

i need to install old vulnerable package on ubuntu to make my own version of metasploitable. its part of my project. i am trying to do it manually but its difficult to install and run the vulnerable program. so my question is : can i install these…
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