Questions tagged [visual-studio]

Visual Studio is an integrated development environment from Microsoft for developing applications on Windows.

Visual Studio is an integrated development environment from Microsoft for developing applications on Windows.

If your question concerns using Visual Studio to develop an application, it may be a better fit for Stack Overflow.

115 questions
2 answers

Visual Studio Profiler In Virtual Machine

I am unable to profile any application using Visual Studio profiler in Virtual Machines. I have used Virtual machines of Amazon EC2 at work and Virtualbox, Vmware at home. Also I have used AMD Codeanalyst profiler. But none of the combination…
1 answer

AWS EC2 SSH connection disconnects after some times and then starts throwing connection timed out error on every SSH connection request

I've created an ec2 instance and a ssh-rsa keypair. I then try to connect with the instance using visual studio code remote-ssh extension. In the first try, it connects successfully. I can access files, create js files. I then wrote JS code, and…
S. Joshi
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Vshub constantly logging

I'm managing a small server with Windows Server 2012 R2 Foundation from HP on board. A few months ago, I've installed MSSQL Server 2016 with the latest Management Studio. Since then, there is an app called "vshub" working in background. I've seen…
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2 answers

How to install MSBuild 15.0 on Windows 2012 (Not R2)

Can I somehow Install MSBuild 15.0 on Windows 2012 (Not R2)? On Windows 2012R2 I installed VSBuildTools2017 and everything is great, but on Windows 2012 (Not R2) server I get an error: This Version of Windows is not supported. If you're running…
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0 answers

VSTS IP Address Ranges

I have an application on VSTS/ I would like to set up continuous deployment to AWS. I currently restrict access to the database server with whitelisted IP on the firewall. This means visual studio can't access the database server. Is…
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Visual Studio 2015 Deployment via SCCM 2012 R2

I'm looking to create a deployment for Visual Studio 2015 using SCCM 2012 R2. I'm an experienced SCCM Admin, so I'm pretty good on that territory, but I'm running in to a snag with Visual Studio itself. I'm struggling with creating the XML Admin…
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1 answer

Some users not seeing all TFS options in Visual Studio

I have two users who only see the following options in the Team Explorer tab in Visual Studio: Changes, Branches, Sync and Settings Another user, correctly sees all of them: Changes, Branches, Pull Requests, Sync, Work Items, Builds, Reports,…
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2 answers

Windows Server 2012 R2 and Visual Studio 2015 Community

So I'm trying to install Visual Studio 2015 Community on my Windows Server 2012 R2 box which will end up being a Jenkins build server. Attempting to do so gives an error saying that I need to install KB 2919355. So I attempt to download the right…
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1 answer

Visual Studio's Just-In-Time Debugger window appears in randomly chosen RDP Session

On a Windows Server 2008 R2 Server with Remote Desktop Services installed and multiple users logged on, the Visual Studio Just-In-Time Debugger window may appear on any RDP session, not necessarily the session whose actions caused the error. The…
1 answer

Running Visual Studio and IIS without Administrator rights on Windows

I find it hard to believe that Microsoft didn't forsee a possibility where a company would need a developer to be able to use IIS and Visual Studio with full rights but NOT want to just haphazardly grant full administrative rights on the whole…
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2 answers

Network Drive Full Trust With Visual Studio 2010/2014

I'm managing 10 developer computers and I want to assign to each computer a Network Drive (Let's say X: drive) so the developer can map the TFS workspace to that drive. When the user tries to open any visual studio solution form drive X: (which's a…
1 answer

Losing network connectivity when starting Visual Studio

I am doing development remotely over RDP and all of a sudden I have a very strange issue: whenever I launch Visual Studio (2010), the remote machine loses all network connectivity for about 15 minutes (at which time it comes back). I am not sure…
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How do you publish a site to an IIS web farm with Visual Studio?

I am using Visual Studio 2012 to publish a web site to an IIS server farm. The problem I ran into is that the publishing process would only work if it happened to get routed to the primary server. My solution was to temporarily stop the secondary…
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1 answer

Visual Studio Agents 2012 on Server 2003 SP2

I'm attempting to build out our Lab Manager with TFS 2012. On a virtual machine running Server 2003 SP2 32bit, I'm attempting to install the Visual Studio Agents 2012 and am running into an error: Setup Failed! Install cannot continue because some…
Corith Malin
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2 answers

How do I configure ASP.NET to use SQL Server 2008?

I recently installed Windows 7 on my computer, and just set up Visual Studio 2010 and SQL Server 2008. On my old installation, I used VS 2008 and SQL Server Express 2005. I have a simple ASP.NET application that uses membership. It worked on my old…