Questions tagged [visual-studio]

Visual Studio is an integrated development environment from Microsoft for developing applications on Windows.

Visual Studio is an integrated development environment from Microsoft for developing applications on Windows.

If your question concerns using Visual Studio to develop an application, it may be a better fit for Stack Overflow.

115 questions
2 answers

Program Missing DLLS

Recently one of the programs on my server (PWsvr.exe) has stopped working. I opened the program in dependency walker to see if it is missing any required files, and dependency Walker said that GPSVC.dll, IESHIMS.DLL, MF.DLL, MFPLAT.DLL, and…
2 answers

Can't connect to my AWS EC2

I have an AWS server (MS SQL SERVER EXPRESS 2008 R2 with IIS), with an elastic IP of, security groups configured with HTTP, MS SQL and FTP, and I can connect to the remote virtual machine using the rdp file that amazon gives you in the…
2 answers

Error installing TFS 2008 on Windows Server 2008 and SQL Server 2008

I'm trying to install Team Foundation Server using 2 machines: Machine1: OS: Windows 2008 Server Installed applications: SQL Server 2008 SQL Server 2008 Analysis Services Machine2: OS: Windows 2008 Server Installed applications: SQL Server 2008…
1 answer

Unable to connect to TFS in VS 2011Beta

I tried to open an existing solution (which is under source control) in Visual Studio 2011Beta. It gave me the next error: The solution appears to be under source control, but its binding information cannot be found. Because it is not possible to…
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Duplicate User appears in TFS work item query. :1 postfix

One of our developers appears twice when trying ot assign work items in TFS2010. Once appears normally as jsmith and then another shows up as DOMAIN\jsmith:1. There is only one user by this name in the Active directory and only one shows up when…
2 answers

Visual studio 2005 cannot connect to remote website even with Frontpage server extensions installed?

I used Visual Studio 2005 to open a remote website. This remote website runs on Windows Server 2003 enterprise, (IIS 6.0). I installed frontpage server extensions for IIS, but VS 2005 still says that it "unable to open the web "". The web server…
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4 answers

Is development/programming on windows 7 slow?

I had a similar question Reason Visual Studio would be slower on 64-bit dual core machine? Now i want to know if programming is much slower on windows 7 (64bits) then vista or XP (32bits)? (i never tried vista) should i dev on XP as much as…
2 answers

How to transfer a Team Foundation Server installation to another server

I have a single server installation of Team Foundation Server 2008. This means that the Application Tier and Data Tier are on the same server. I want to move the installation from the old server to the new server. Could someone please provide me…
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0 answers

tfs problem :TF31001Team foundation can't retrieve the list of team project from team foundation server

Q: When i want to create a new project : File ---> New ---->Team Project I get the following error , i googled it but in vain . Error: TF30224: Failed to retrieve projects from the report server. Please check that the SQL Server Reporting Services…
1 answer

Migrating Database from local .mdf file to SQL Server 2008

I'm not sure if I should be asking this here or over at stackoverflow I apologize if it is the latter. I have been developing an application in Visual Studio 2010 and using it's built in database functionality with a local .mdf file. I have…
2 answers

How to connect to TFS running in home network?

I have two computers in my home network one of them is running TFS. Could someone explain me step by step which configuration should be done in order to connect from another laptop to TFS server? Computer 1: TFS VS 2010 IIS 7 Computer 2: VS 2008 IIS…
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1 answer

SQL-SERVER-R2: Is there a 64 bit version of BIDS?

I need BIDS/VS to be able to recognize the 64 bit ODBC Data Provider for Oracle. Right now it will only recognize the 32 bit ODBC Data Provider for Oraculous.
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IIS, is there another way?

I'm doing Web Applications that are always hosted in IIS (from 6 to 7), and I always have problems in deploying. The applications work most of the time "out-of-the-box" but sometimes it's just terrible. Last time, installing it on a IIS 7 where…
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How to update the license of Visual studio automatically?

When we manually open the visiual studio and from help menu and click on register, then the license is getting updated.But, we are using visual studio for automation with CI tools like jenkins.Where, we will use the devenv command line tool.Here, we…
uday kiran
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2 answers

Issue connecting Visual Studio 2015 to Azure DevOps after password change

For several months I've been using Visual Studio 2015 connected to Azure DevOps for Source Control through My employer required me to change my Office 365 password last week, and now I can no longer connected to Azure DevOps…
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