Questions tagged [virtualmin]

Virtualmin is a domain hosting and website control panel, which gives the ability to create and manage many domains and is available in both open source and commercial versions. It is based on Webmin. Off Topic Warning: control panel questions are generally considered off topic for ServerFault and more appropriately asked on

Virtualmin is a web hosting control panel, designed to make it easy to manage websites, mailbox users, databases, and web applications.

Off Topic Warning:

The majority of questions regarding the Virtualmin control panel are likely to be more appropriate for the Pro Webmasters Stack Exchange and will be closed here as they are not considered on-topic for ServerFault:

Questions involving web hosting control panels are off-topic at Server Fault because they customize their systems such that normal administration tools and methods no longer apply, and thus require support from the vendor or the web hosting industry. See Where can I ask questions about web hosting control panels?

There have been several discussions on regarding this policy.

71 questions
3 answers

Usermin, Webmin and Virtualmin - What are the Differences?

I just bought a new VPS and I basically need to set up a LAMP(HP) stack, I'm considering between CentOS or Ubuntu as my operating system but I also need a hosting control panel to ease the system administrator tasks involved in hosting a website…
Alix Axel
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How do you access Webmin?

I've installed webmin on linux, Now how do you use it? Oh yeah before you mark my question down, webmin documentation wiki is offline. So obviously I would have rtfm first....
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postfix NOQUEUE: reject: RCPT from 454 4.7.1 Relay access denied

PS: I seem to have solved this issue by adding all my domains to $mydestinations. I still do not understand why virtual_alias_maps seems to be ignored when looking for valid mydestinations. After updating postfix, it started rejecting emails from…
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Lock virtualmin access to a specific domain on linode

I have recently set up a virtual server on linode (debian 7) and would like to block access to the virtualmin install via any domain other than one specified. I can currently access virtualmin via the linode member url (e.g.…
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Unable to push after setting git smart http. Pull and Clone working

I am trying to set up git in my server with smart http as the access mechanism. Due to some intergration problems we can not use any other mehtod and it has to be the http or the https methods. So i followed a bunch of blogs/articles and managed to…
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cURL error 60: Peer’s Certificate issuer is not recognized

I have a store build in wordpres which offers wordpress templates and it has an updater system. My server is centos 6.9 and Im using virtualmin. Comodo SSL and php7 but the people when try to update their themes they get the messagge Download…
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Is there an API for getting usage of a domain from Virtualmin?

I'm wondering if there's an API for getting the disk usage, database space usage, or bandwidth utilization of a domain hosted using Virtualmin?
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CentOS zsh: locking failed for /root/.zsh_history: read-only file system: reading anyway

I am working on CentOS 7 Xen server with 100 GB memory. I have a master server with 1 TB hard disk space and 2 slave server I increased disk space from 100 to 155 GB directly for /xen/vm4/abctest.img for virtual system /dev/xvda1 But now I get…
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AH01071: Got error 'Primary script unknown

Debian Linux 8.10, Apache version 2.4.10, FPM/FastCGI. I have created a 1st virtual host. After hours, I could get it working. Then I have created another virtual host, with almost the same config => I get a "File not found." in the browser and a…
Bruno de Goyrans
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1 answer

User created by VirtualMin cannot login via FTP

On a CentOS Linux 7.3.1611 I have VirtualMin installed. From the Edit Users on the left I have created a new user with FTP access not to use the root account everywhere. However, whenever I try to login via winSCP using both FTP & SFTP, I get…
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0 answers

Segfault in with Webmin

I recently upgraded the kernel one of my Debian 8 servers which has Webmin+Virtualmin installed on it. The server had usual Virtualmin backups setup which used to work fine before the upgrade, but post the upgrade the backups stopped working with no…
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Configure postfix to send emails per domain from each virtual server

In my setup I have installed virtualmin for virtual servers. I have following virtual servers with their own dedicated ip address. Postfix is configured as per this method to use dedicated ip for each virtual server. Virtual server 1 (ip =…
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How to configure wild card ssl in Virtualmin from Lets Encrypt?

I have setup catchall domain and is has proper DNS and network configuration for subdomains. Next how do I request for wild card ssl with LetsEncrypt in Virtualmin ?
1 answer

Set Virtualmin default website when entering by IP

I installed Virtualmin in CentOS 7.4 and I have 1 VirtualServer configured to a domain, when I navigate with the server IP I want to target a custom website hosted in /var/www/html or wathever instead of the first vhost on the server. My httpd.conf…
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Postfix - Forward emails with my own email address in 'FROM' header (virtualmin)

I have a virtualmin / webmin server setup. Some domains don't want to receive emails directly to their domains. So I have setup a server-side forward to their Gmail adresses. The forwarding works, and the emails are delivered to the Gmail mail…
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