Questions tagged [virtualmin]

Virtualmin is a domain hosting and website control panel, which gives the ability to create and manage many domains and is available in both open source and commercial versions. It is based on Webmin. Off Topic Warning: control panel questions are generally considered off topic for ServerFault and more appropriately asked on

Virtualmin is a web hosting control panel, designed to make it easy to manage websites, mailbox users, databases, and web applications.

Off Topic Warning:

The majority of questions regarding the Virtualmin control panel are likely to be more appropriate for the Pro Webmasters Stack Exchange and will be closed here as they are not considered on-topic for ServerFault:

Questions involving web hosting control panels are off-topic at Server Fault because they customize their systems such that normal administration tools and methods no longer apply, and thus require support from the vendor or the web hosting industry. See Where can I ask questions about web hosting control panels?

There have been several discussions on regarding this policy.

71 questions
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Spamassasin not checking SPF - Perl error?

Getting lots of email spoofing spam from our own domains to my Webmin installation using Spamassasin, the error im receiving when debugging spam is as follows: May 19 09:33:45.959 [15233] dbg: spf: cannot load Mail::SPF::Query module: Can't locate…
1 answer

HTTPS access to phpmyadmin DOWNLOADS INDEX.php instead of opening phpmyadmin

When I open phpmyadmin without encription, everything goes fine. however, if I switch to https, the browser downloads the index file. apache 000-default.conf as ServerAdmin webmaster@localhost DocumentRoot /var/www/html …
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how to move mail aliases to other domain

I have just done the following move, through the virtualmin (4.18) interface: moved domain to moved domain to The problem that now occurs: all the mail aliases, including mailing lists that existed on the…
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Permissions to use for Wordpress on Ubuntu with Webmin

What are the best permissions for a Wordpess install on Ubuntu managed by Webmin? Currently, root owns all the files and all of the files are also set to the root group. I'm using the virtual server GUI on Webmin to manage multiple virtual sites…
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Nginx experiencing 502 gateway errors when accessing my site on debian 10 + virtualmin

Debian 10 Nginx nginx error log I’m experiencing 502 gateway errors when accessing my site from time to time. Ubuntu 20.04, Nginx, PHP-FPM 7.4, Virtualmin, Cloudflare /etc/php/7.4/fpm/pool.d pastebin /etc/php/7.4/fpm/pool.d pastepin nginx error…
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Emails not adding DKIM signature: Milter service - Connection refused

I have generated and added a DKIM record with a selector: 2020. The DKIM record seems to have been added successfully when I used a few DKIM checkers online but GMAIL (mailed-by is displayed whereas signed-by isn't when I check the info of the email…
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Postfix server sends mails properly, but not recive them

I set up my mail server with Webmin/Virtualmin with Postfix couple days ago. Server lives on EC2 instance. Everything was working just fine. Mails were being send and I recived them properly as well. I didn't only pass MX records tests. Since that…
0 answers

Reconfiguring Linux server with different IP after installing from AMI image

I'm a total newbie so any kinda help is highly appreciated. I used to have an EC2 server in my old AWS account running CentOS 7 (64bit) and a typical LAMP stack with Webmin/Virtualmin and Elastic IP address A. It is hosting 3 websites/virtual…
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How to merge hard disks in Ubuntu Server 18.04

I have a web server working very well which currently is using one hard disk of 2TB, but this same server have another 2TB hard disk without any function so i want to partionate it in order to merge them to make 4TB memory space on my server, is…
Fernando Torres
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Server Document Root changes after adding new Virtual Host

Ubuntu 18.04.3, Virtualmin 6.08, Webmin 1.932 Something strange is happening. If I have nothing in /etc/apache2/sites-enabled then I can access the Server's Homepage: (/var/www/html) and works fine If I add a…
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How can I get my incoming mail working again?

We are using webmin and virtualmin the emails have been working great over the last couple of weeks using virtualmin but today suddenly they have stopped. I get this in my mail log: Jul 1 13:15:03 server1 postfix/pickup[18805]: 4A7276E093D: uid=0…
0 answers

Running processes: "perl /tmp/dd" - what is this?

I have a LAMP server with about 50 virtual domains, and am using Webmin/Virtualmin to manage the server. When looking at running processes (top) I see one domain's username is running a couple of perl processes, and ps gives me the full command…
Ryan Griggs
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MariaDB automatically shuts down every 30 minutes

MariaDB service automatically shuts down after 30 minutes. It's a VPS, 12 vCPU, 12 GB RAM. CentOS 7, Webmin, Virtualmin, 5.5.60-MariaDB, PHP 7.2, Apache 2. No errors in log, CPU load average 10%. I created a bash script which checks and restarts…
Dan D.
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Let's encrypt certificate permissions

I am using webmin + virtualmin to host and manage websites. There is Let's encrypt module to configure automatic SSL certificate renewal in some period of time. Certificates are placed in user's home folder - /home/website1, /home/website2 etc. I…
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why my VPS says my nginx status is dead, disabled, error block UFW, but the sites are still UP?

I myself can execute any command with respect to the nginx service. but the pid is still in /run/ :-D which shows that the process is running and I can still access the sites. but the dead service is scary and quiet, and I do not even need…