I have setup catchall domain and is has proper DNS and network configuration for subdomains. Next how do I request for wild card ssl with LetsEncrypt in Virtualmin ?

1 Answers1


Let's Encrypt only issues wildcard certificates with DNS-01 validation. It means that you cannot validate by just running a HTTP server on the host, but need to modify DNS. If you can modify DNS from virtualmin this is doable. If not, then virtualmin isn't going to be enough.

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    My dns records is hosted in the same virtualmin server so virtualmin can modify the dns. Its already using dns based validation. But when I try to add wild card domain *.example.com it says `"Failed to request certificate : A domain name cannot start with *. To create a wildcard domain, first create it without the * and then go to Server Configuration -> Website Options."` but I have already made the domain as match all domain with *.example.com in apache settings – Roshan Budhathoki Sep 21 '18 at 08:35
  • ***"if you can modify DNS from virtualmin this is doable."*** - Modify with what? which challenge should I put on the `TXT` record? – Pedro Lobito Nov 30 '20 at 19:45