Questions tagged [users]

Humans using a system. They try to break everything. Always handle with caution. Expect the unexpected.

605 questions
3 answers

How do you create a new user with access to /var/www/html with ssh?

I Need new sftp login details for developers but that is restricted to /var/www/html/ using ssh. They have to be able to edit and save files, also when the user makes changes I don't want the group changing to the users group once they make changes,…
Joe Moe
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2 answers

Saving Active Directory Passwords

I have a requirement for one of my clients that they would like all user passwords stored in the Description field of AD. Now this is all well and good initially because we use a script to roll out new users. However the problem comes because…
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Windows users and groups management software

I need software to manage a large number of groups for a FTP server. Ideally this software should also allow managing the associated NTFS rights for the folders on FTP (if they still match the definition for example, or propagate rights changes to…
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mysql.user table corrupt even after re-install

I recently corrupted the mysql.user table in my mysql install on centos 5.6, so I removed the mysql and mysql-server packages and then removed /var/lib/mysql. Then, I re-installed mysql and mysql-server via yum. Here is the output of SELECT…
Mike Moore
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Creating users in cpanel

We have recently purchased VPS server hosting and manage it through a WHM cpanel interface. There are many users who need to access this and all of them currently use it through the root login. However, I want to be able to create multiple users,…
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Freebsd shutdown privileges

I need to create a user and deny them permission to turn off the machine. DO SOMEONE KNOW HOW TO CHANGE THE PERMISSIONS OF A NORMAL USER TO NOT ALLOW ME TO TURN OFF?
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Retrieving Active Directory Users with no Email address

There are 1000+ users in AD. Some random users accounts (approx. 400) are created without Email address. Now I need to retrieve all those users in an Excel file who are there without Email Address. The purpose is to add the missing Email addresses…
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Prevent users from installing softwares on workstation irrespective of rights

I am trying to apply below scenario, could you please help me out. In my environment all users are having administrative right on their respective workstation, i am trying to prevent them from installing any software's without knowing me. If they…
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CentOS root+nologin

Can I somehow get access to root account after changing /etc/passwd file? Similar problems: Lost root access possibility /sbin/nologin How do I regain access to root after accidental chsh command that went bad? But... without physical access to…
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Restrict the user to access one folder only and deny all other folder in D: drive

I am running windows server 2008. I have a user to which I need to set permission so that he can access only one particular folder and deny access to all other folder.How can i set the permission.
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Nginx can't serve more than 40 concurrent users

I'm testing my Nginx web server (configured with CentminMod) with and the server returns timeouts when the connected users are about 40. I can't understand why! It's Nginx, not Apache! Can anyone help me? This i my…
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"No input file specified." (I am stupid and deleted a user)

So I had a server (running several sites) hacked recently and a low level user account was spinning up lots of processes (sending spam) that were crashing the server repeatedly. Out of frustration, I deleted the user. I immediately regretted it and…
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How to estimate a server specifications for this particular system?

I'm working in a college project and I'm supposed to specify the server's hardware to hold a system. The system is some kind of social network. And it is supposed to hold around 100 000 users the first year, also the system must be able to handle…
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Proper way to create a new user

I freely admin that I am a server admin newbie, and I'd like to grant someone access to my server to help me on a project. Let's call this person 'joe'. I'd like joe to have access to only one directory via SSH with no root access. (If I can't…
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linux ftp server with virtual users

i know there are already similar questions for this matter but the answers doesn't really make much sense to anyone who is not really technically comfortable in Linux. I've already tried articles like these for example:…
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