Questions tagged [users]

Humans using a system. They try to break everything. Always handle with caution. Expect the unexpected.

605 questions
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How to switch to another user

I created another user in CentOs named sheilay. From the default account which is root, how can I use the user sheilay in the CLI without shutting it down? What should I do?
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switch user doesnt work, after creating user

I'm rather new to the whole setting up a server, and hardening a server thing, but I had to start today. I mainly have experience with my ubuntu desktop. Anyway, I just created a new user, that I intend to use to access the whole website, like…
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Windows Remote User Managment

I have a server PC and several client PCs, each running Windows 7 Home. I would like to create a user on the server PC and have that user then available on all client PCs. User1 should be able to login to any PC with his credentials. Also,…
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Determine all users on the Linux machine

Possible Duplicate: How to list all users and groups on linux? How to determine all the users on a Linux machine (not only the ones who are logged in)? I searched and found the following command: $ cat /etc/passwd | grep "/home" | cut -d: -f1 But…
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How to make jailed shell?

How to make jailed shell? jailed shell means limited shell account for linux users. (as cpanel defination) I don't use any control panel like cpanel.
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How to get all logged in users in an active directory environment?

Sometimes you want to write an email to all users that are currently in the office. You could now just insert all the email addresses into a mail but you might not know who's in the office your you forget someone. Another solution would it be to…
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Windows 10: sticking several domain accounts to the login screen

I would like to stick permanently 3 domain users to the login screen in Windows 10. So that they choose their account and enter the PIN, but without entering the login and password. Is it possible? Domain: Azure Active Directory. Windows 10
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New Debian 10 server: add client websites in /home/clientname/webapps/ or /var/www/clientname/webapps/?

I'm used to setting up client websites in /home/clientusername/ with subdirectories such as webapps/, html/, cgi-bin/, logs/ etc. (for both Apache and NGINX) so clients can manage their own files, from their user directory, under their…
Dave Everitt
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Recover files on a Windows 7 host from a user who has been deleted from active directory?

Is there a way to recover data (Files, Programs, etc...) on a Windows 7 machine assigned to a specific Active directory user, that has since been deleted from Active Directory? For some reason the previous IT Manager deleted the user without…
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Disable accounts on AD automatically

here is a question that I couldn't find online. Is there a way to disable accounts on AD automatically after a certain amount of time? I know that you can just put an expiration date and the user wouldn't be able to login to the domain anymore but…
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Changing Password in Exchange Server only

I created 1 user in AD and created mail box in exchange 2010 server. We implemented password policy for changing password in 45 days. I was having crunch on licenses so, I deleted AD user and did not delete his mail box, so that he can access his…
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How do I provide a public key to a new user without granting them root access?

I have a linux server and have created a new user with useradd. However, for that user to log in, they need an public key. I have my own public key, but it lets me log in as root, so I assume it would let them do the same. How do I provide the…
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Migrate local user to LDAP server and keep the old user directory

I have an existing Debian server with a lot of local user (these user account are used for application authentication and keeps files in each home directory), and I want to migrate all the local user to LDAP. I want all the user to still be able to…
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Allow power user to install software

I need to grant an user some admin rights, so he can enter his credentials when someone is prompted to install a software (and just that), he is no admin, I don't want him to have too much access. My domain controller runs on Windows server 2008 R2…
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sudo permissions without root access

I want to give certain users on my server access to run commands as apache, but I don't want to give them full root access. Is there a way to allow a user to run a command similar to sudo -u apache ... while preventing them from having root…
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