Questions tagged [unexpected-shutdown]

50 questions
2 answers

Shutdown Event Tracker showing on every login on Server 2019

I took control of a new VM running Windows Server 2019 (Datacenter) recently. Since that time, on each login to the server (via RDP) the Shutdown Event Tracker shows asking for information about an unexpected shutdown. Checking the Event Viewer…
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How to investigate unexpected Linux server shut down?

In a new Xeon 55XX server with 4xSSD at raid 10 with Debian 6, I have experienced 2 random shut downs within two weeks after the server being built. Looking at bandwidth logs before shut down does not indicate anything unusual. The server load is…
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many graceful restarts in httpd error log?

Our server was down , and we restatred the services (nginx & httpd), and when i look at the logs, i've found these lines , there are so many Graceful restart requested, doing restart lines, whats wrong? i have 100's of lines like below [Tue Nov 10…
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Why would a domain controller encouter a USN rollback after an unclean shutdown?

I have this Windows Server 2008 R2 domain controller running on a physical Dell server, model PowerEdge R510. There are some electrical problems around here, thus a black-out is, unfortunately, quite a common occurrence; there are UPSes, but they…
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How can I tell who/what shutdown my CentOS VPS?

CentOS 5.7 VPS (running on OpenVZ) My VPS shut down this morning and I'm not sure why. I contacted my VPS host and they indicated that the server "was off". They powered it back on but I'm confused on how/why exactly it was shut down. The host…
Mike B
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EC2 Instance Freezes

I am experiencing sudden freezes in one particular instance. Here some details of the instance: Type: t2.micro Region/av. zone: us-west-2b OS: amzn-ami-hvm-2018.03.0.20180811-x86_64-gp2 (ami-a0cfeed8) My this Ec2 instance freezes automatically. I…
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Server 2012 R2 unexpected crash DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL

I've a Windows Server 2012 R2 server which acts as Hyper-V host for multiplice Windows/Linux VMs. Since yesterday the server is offline from one second to another, and will reboot automatically. I found out that this is caused by a bluescreen:…
1 answer

Windows Server 2016 automatically restart

We've had a 2016 reboot on critical servers after updates! Even worse, during operating hours! We have a group policy to prevent an automatic restart of the servers if a new update(s) is available: Configure automatic updating: 3 - Auto download…
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Bamboo Windows Elastic Instance - Agent Hangs and Instance Shuts Down

I'm starting a Windows stock image via Bamboo. The instance starts up relatively quickly, but the elastic agent hangs and then shuts down 40 minutes later. This has happened multiple times - it always shuts down after 40 minutes. Take a look at the…
Scotty H
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3 answers

Hyper-V Guests Improperly Shut Down when Host is Restarted

I have a Server 2019 Hyper-V host which has two Windows Server guest VMs. Both VMs are configured to shut down when the host shuts down: However, any time the Host is restarted or shut down, the guest OSes experience an unexpected shutdown and…
1 answer

Blue Screen, unexpected shutdown on Windows Server 2012! (APC_INDEX_MISMATCH)

We have 2 new servers set up to allow remote desktop sessions throughout the warehouse. Intermittently we get complaints that the session has stopped working or has frozen. When we check the servers they have a blue screen with the error…
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Hyper-V random shutdown of VMs

I've had my VMs on Hyper-V 2012 (standalone) shutdown/stop randomly. My VMs are all snapshotted images with the windows 7 image (barebone windows 7 with IE9) as the base image. I basicly have installed no software, but have a cd/iso that…
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"Unexpected shutdown" message on Hyper-V guest machines

We have a couple of Dell Poweredge servers running Hyper-V. Both host machines and the guest VMs are using Server 2008 R2 Enterprise with Service Pack 1 installed. The guest machines were built as VMs rather than converted from physical servers.…
2 answers

How to send email notification, when ubuntu ec2 server shuts down?

I'm running ec2 instance with ubuntu server and sometimes it seems to be shut down. Is it possible to send an email notification, if server switches to runlevel 0? And how?
Illarion Kovalchuk
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Tomcat suddenly shuts down on its own

I'm running tomcat 9.0.26 on Ubuntu 18.04. Suddenly I noticed that tomcat is down. Never happened before without me shutting it down. I looked at the trace and saw the following (this seems to start the shutdown process): 29-Jan-2020 07:18:27.927…
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