Questions tagged [unexpected-shutdown]

50 questions
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What would cause an unprompted "The system is going down for halt NOW!"

My CentOS 6 box keeps on shutting itself down. How best can I ascertain what's causing it to do this? I've installed lm_sensors and had a look at the CPU temps shortly before it shut itself off, and I don't think they're the issue. Beyond that I…
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EventLog Windows Event - Why is event #6008 logged even after normal shutdown and restart?

I have been restarting and shutting down the machine through proper steps, ie, using start button, using command line and using Alt+F4. But, shut down event tracker is not logging any events. On windows start-up, EventLog is registering error #6008…
2 answers

FreeBSD unecpected shutdown/power off

My digital ocean droplet have some unecpected shutdowns in the last days. The droplet ist off and i have to power it on again. If the system requested a power down then a log entry should exist. But there is nothing. Server Logs show normal…
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Pressing the power off button is registered in HP Active Health System logs?

I have a customer which suffered an unexpected shutdown of one of his servers (Proliant DL320e Gen8 v2) According logs inside the server it seems that someone pressed the power off button but the customer swears that is impossible. I donwloaded logs…
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Debian Server unexpected stopped

Last night one of our Debian 7 Servers unexpectedly stopped working. I've never seen such a "crash" before, so i hope someone here can give me a clue what happened here. System Infos: Debian 7.11 @ 3.2.82-1 x86_64 The Server is a Supermicro Server…
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Apache periodically shutting down once per week

I'm using apache (with mod_wsgi and django), and everything works fine, except rather strangely once per week apache seems to shutdown, and I have to login to the server to restart it to get my sites back up. Each week this happens at around…
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MySQL shut down it self periodically

I recently bought 512MB, 2.2GHz, 20GB SSD - VPS Server and installed Debian Wheezy 64-bit and it is used as WEB Server. I have installed Apache2, PHP, MySQL, ClamAV, Anti-DDoS, Spam Assain, Postfix, Dovecot and Webmin. Everything is running great…
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Cent OS 6.4 VPS went down unexpected

I have a cloud VPS at Digital Ocean , Recently it went down on its own, i was using pingdom alert which notified me about it, so i booted up the VPS again to find out what caused this . How can find what caused the unexpected system halt ? System…
1 answer

Why my server restarts unexpectedly?

I have a server with Windows Server 2008 installed on it. From time to time it restarts unexpectedly. I see this log after it is manually started after failure: The system has rebooted without cleanly shutting down first. This error could be caused…
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Solaris 8 (TSOL) Fatal Fault at MB.T_ENC

In Trusted Solaris 8 (TSOL) I am receiving the following error on the console: rmclomv: SC initiating hard host system shutdown due to fault at MB.T_ENC. Is anyone aware of what exactly MB.T_ENC is and what may be causing this…
Mike S
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Is there a way to force sshd to call fsync() at the end of an scp upload?

I've got a Debian Linux-based server that accepts file uploads via scp, and this server tends to get powered off suddenly from time to time. If the power loss occurs shortly after an scp upload has completed, this can result in the uploaded file(s)…
Jeremy Friesner
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Virtual Server Unexpected Shutdown with Code 1074

Over the weekend, I had one server (out of 11 in the office) shut itself off sometime early Saturday morning. This is a virtual server (running SQL, our production database, naturally), running on a physical host that itself did not shut down,…
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slapd receives unexpected shutdown after CentOS 7.7 upgrade

After upgrading from CentOS 7.6 to 7.7 the slapd process receives a shutdown request a few seconds after its start. Where do I have to enable logging to get more information? I'm using OpenLdap on CentOS 6/7 as an authentication backend, which…
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Uninterruptable power supply with digital output designating mains/battery state

I want to have some equipment connected to a UPS to shut down gracefully when mains is cut. This equipment does not have capability to read serial or USB, so software solutions are out. What I'm looking for is a hardware solution: a digital output…
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Implementing an automated mail backup/forwarding service?

I have a senario in mind but I'm not sure how it should be implemented: I have a mail service with an mx record and an IP address. This mail server could be down sometimes. The incoming mails to this server will be lost in the duration of the down…