Questions tagged [uec]

12 questions
1 answer

Interaction between two Clouds

I have setup the Cloud-A with 1 - [CLC+CC] and 2 - [NC] computers. I have another Cloud-B with same configuration using the Ubuntu Enterprise Cloud Both of them working fine individually, in the same LAN. Now if I want to add the NC of Cloud-A to CC…
Snehal Masne
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3 answers

Can a VM's virtual disk span over multiple nodes in Ubuntu Enterprise Cloud?

How does storage works with the ubuntu enterprise cloud? If I have two disks (on separate machines) with free space 10gb and 20gb, can I have a VM running with 30gb of disk space?
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2 answers

Advantage of using Ubuntu Enterprise Cloud (UEC) compared to VMWare?

I intend to do some virtualization with either of the two technologies: Ubuntu Enterprise Cloud and VMWare. I would like to know the advantages (e.g. main features missing in the other one, long-run, financial advantages, support...) of using the…
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2 answers

Eucalyputs Instance SSH not working, though server is running and port is open

I just installed a private Ubuntu Enterprise Cloud with Ubuntu Server 11 (based on Eucalyptus 2) and managed to get everything working (in System Mode, so the instances get an IP from our DHCP. Eucalyptus recognizes this IP). However, I have a…
Michael W.
  • 141
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2 answers

Ubuntu Enterprise Cloud - NCs down and time synchronization

I'm having trouble with my cloud installation. I've installed everything from the Ubuntu Server 11.04 CD, then upgraded the system to the latest version (apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade), installed NTP, correctly set it up, and booted…
Bruno Reis
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3 answers

UEC 10.10 Node Controller installation problem; no access to internet

I am trying to setup a new UEC Cloud network using Ubuntu UEC 10.10, but I am having some difficulties with the Node Controller setup ! I am working (for the moment) on a small setup, using two computers. The first one, for CLC, CC, Walrus and SC.…
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1 answer

UEC - Can the Cluster Controller and Storage Controller be seperate systems?

My department is implementing an Ubuntu Enterprise Cloud. I have done the testing and am quite comfortable with the 4 pieces, CC/SC, CLC, WS, NC. Looking at various documents below it appears the the Storage Controller and Cluster Controller…
Jeremy Hajek
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2 answers

Cheap system to run Xen for Ubuntu Enterprise Cloud

I'm looking for suggestions for a cheap system (ATOM maybe?) that will Xen so that I can buy several of them and build a private cloud for trial purposes. The software will be Ubuntu Enterprise Cloud. I'm not interested in performance since these…
Michael Dillon
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1 answer

Can't access my running instance

I can't login to my running instance when I try to connect to it using command: ssh -i ~/.ssh/eucakey ubuntu@ (eucakey is the keypair I used to run the image I download the image from store) the following out appear: Read from socket…
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1 answer

UEC: Estimate VM CPU capabilities

Using Ubuntu Enterprise Cloud, how do I estimate the CPU capabilities that my VMs can have based on the server CPU? Let's say that I have a Intel Xeon X3440 ( ). How many single core 1.5 GHz VMs can I run there?
  • 111
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2 answers

Eucalyptus/ubuntu-server-11.04 - instance is running but can't access it

I've installed Ubuntu Enterprise Cloud on a server and I'm able to bring up an instance from a image and the instance shows that is running. I see the IPs allocated to that instance but for some reason I can't access it via SSH. euca-describe-groups…
1 answer

In UEC, created volume appears, disappears, why?

I've installed UEC and got it up and running but when I create a volume and attach it to an instance it appears and disappears. and in my instance I can't seem to see it using sudo fdisk -l thanks in advance!