Questions tagged [ubuntu-enterprise-cloud]

9 questions
1 answer

Copy Amazon EC2 image to a local Ubuntu machine?

Is it possible to download a Amazon EC2 image and have it run on a local (Ubuntu powered) Eucalyptus? If that's possible how? I will eventually build a local could based on Ubuntu 10.10 but until then I would like first to start the development on…
3 answers

Can a VM's virtual disk span over multiple nodes in Ubuntu Enterprise Cloud?

How does storage works with the ubuntu enterprise cloud? If I have two disks (on separate machines) with free space 10gb and 20gb, can I have a VM running with 30gb of disk space?
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2 answers

Advantage of using Ubuntu Enterprise Cloud (UEC) compared to VMWare?

I intend to do some virtualization with either of the two technologies: Ubuntu Enterprise Cloud and VMWare. I would like to know the advantages (e.g. main features missing in the other one, long-run, financial advantages, support...) of using the…
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4 answers

Eucalyptus / no bootable EBS yet - any alternatives to Eucalyptus?

I've read a couple of articles that Eucalyptus doesn't support bootable EBS yet. This is a problem since you can't make a backup form an instance like you a able on Amazon cloud or Rack Space Cloud. If you ever reboot the physical Ecalyptus sever…
1 answer

UEC - Can the Cluster Controller and Storage Controller be seperate systems?

My department is implementing an Ubuntu Enterprise Cloud. I have done the testing and am quite comfortable with the 4 pieces, CC/SC, CLC, WS, NC. Looking at various documents below it appears the the Storage Controller and Cluster Controller…
Jeremy Hajek
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2 answers

Cheap system to run Xen for Ubuntu Enterprise Cloud

I'm looking for suggestions for a cheap system (ATOM maybe?) that will Xen so that I can buy several of them and build a private cloud for trial purposes. The software will be Ubuntu Enterprise Cloud. I'm not interested in performance since these…
Michael Dillon
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2 answers

Eucalyptus/ubuntu-server-11.04 - instance is running but can't access it

I've installed Ubuntu Enterprise Cloud on a server and I'm able to bring up an instance from a image and the instance shows that is running. I see the IPs allocated to that instance but for some reason I can't access it via SSH. euca-describe-groups…
2 answers

UEC for grid or parallel computing?

-Can I use the cloud to do "Grid computing"? what I need is parallel computing where I do some rendering and would like it to do some heavier calculations for matlab. To combined the computing power of some or all computers in to "one task" if it is…
2 answers

Why most of the servers use redhat and not free ubuntu server?(problem transter to other software or redhat much better)

Why most of the servers use redhat and not free ubuntu server LTS? (problem transter to other software or redhat much better) Thanks
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