My department is implementing an Ubuntu Enterprise Cloud. I have done the testing and am quite comfortable with the 4 pieces, CC/SC, CLC, WS, NC. Looking at various documents below it appears the the Storage Controller and Cluster Controller (eucalyptus-sc and eucalyptus-cc) are always installed on the same system. My question is this: can I install the storage controller and the cluster controller on separate systems?

  1. http://open.eucalyptus.com/wiki/EucalyptusAdvanced_v2.0 the picture indicates that cc and sc are two different machines
  2. http://www.canonical.com/sites/default/files/active/Whitepaper-UbuntuEnterpriseCloudArchitecture-v1.pdf P.10 1st paragraph uses the word "machine(s)"
  3. http://software.intel.com/file/31966 P. 8 indicates the same separate architecture
  4. BUT... https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEC/PackageInstallSeparate indicates below that the SC and CC are to be on the same system.

enter image description here

Jeremy Hajek
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1 Answers1


yes I believe CC is separate from SC and both can be installed on separate machines. The installer as shown on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEC/CDInstall on step-4 shows how CC and SC are completely separate roles

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  • I think you are right but the documentation all linked above never shows that kind of abstraction. Only way to know is to try it. – Jeremy Hajek Feb 23 '11 at 15:46