Questions tagged [traffic-shaping]

Traffic shaping is a technique to delay some or all datagrams to comply with desired traffic profile.

Traffic shaping is a network traffic management technique which delay some or all datagrams to bring them into compliance with a desired traffic profile. Traffic shaping is used to optimize or guarantee performance, improve latency, and/or increase usable bandwidth for some kinds of packets by delaying other kinds.

232 questions
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Linux tc Traffic Shaping for IPv6

I have traffic shaping with tc and htb in place and everything works fine for IPv4. Now I want to limit the bandwidth for incoming IPv6 ssh/sftp traffic to some reasonable amount, so it doesn't interfere with more critical traffic. In short, nothing…
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Difference between HTB Rate and Ceil Values

What is the difference between the HTB rate and Ceil values?
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pfsense 2.0 traffic priority - set full priority for single host

I have a network with several computers all on the same network and since I have very limited bandwidth I would like to prioritize traffic almost like a CPU scheduler prioritize processes. Example: Computer A: Used for webstuff: youtube, downloads,…
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What outbound HTTP throttling solutions exist?

I am looking for a way to flexibly manage outbound HTTP/HTTPS traffic in a way that respect site policies, and could be deployed at the "edge" of our datacenter network. For example, we use several Web APIs that have throttling rates like "no more…
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Improving Skype quality

Every now and then I revisit the issue of shaping skype traffic. AFAIK Skype is notorious for ignoring most settings - incoming ports, proxies, etc so it is not possible to give special treatment to skype traffic - I guess the idea is to keep skype…
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Bash: Dynamically traffic shaping rsync using variables for times schedule and slowing during runtime?

What are some solutions to having dynamic traffic shaping run during a bash script, after a command has already started? Is this even possible? My use case is, I have rsync running on a huge set of disks to a remote backup location and this takes…
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Limiting incoming traffic with tc police

I have a requirement to limit the total incoming traffic to 5mbit. I know this can be achieved by using the following tc command: tc filter add dev eth0 parent ffff: protocol ip u32 match u32 0 0 police rate 5mbit burst 10k drop flowid…
1 answer

Inject Delay between Virtual Machines in a VLAN

We'd like to simulate the impact of locality using VMs within a on a public cloud (say AWS EC2). To do this, we would like to inject delays in packets such that we can simulate a particular network topology. Assume that there are three VMs: A, B,…
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maximum number of connections Squid

I have a Squid proxy server that controls all internet traffic for my network. I need a way to stop users from downloading big files (say >50MB) in my network. I banned some famous ports (e.g. torrent) but some downloads are possible by HTTP port.…
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What are the characteristics of the Meraki SpeedBurst traffic shaping algorithm?

I've been using Cisco Meraki wireless access points to provide guest and BYOD access at some of my customer sites. One of the interesting bandwidth management features is the SpeedBurst traffic shaping option. This is described simply as a temporary…
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Limiting bandwidth on Ubuntu Linux

I am in the situation where I have to simulate a P2P-environment (for my masters thesis in computer science). To do that I am using Docker with Ubuntu to create a bunch of virtual machines that is gonna be connected in a BitTorrent network. I then…
Kasper Vesth
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Linux Traffic Controller (Linux tc): hierarchical token bucket (htb) packet queue size

In my Linux router, I am using the following configuration to limit the rate of traffic towards port 44444 of a client in the LAN (client address is, connected through the router's eth1 iface): tc qdisc add dev eth1 root handle 1: htb…
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linux tc htb bandwidth ceil being ignored and giving improper results

I'm setting up some htb packet queues like so: tc qdisc add dev eth0 root handle 10: htb tc qdisc add dev eth1 root handle 10: htb tc class add dev eth0 parent 10: classid 10:1012 htb rate 750kbps ceil 750kbps tc filter add dev eth0 parent 10:…
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2 answers

Limiting bandwidth with hashlimit (e.g. kb/s -- not connections!) doesn't work, though the man page says it should

According to the iptables-extensions man page hashlimit can do bandwidth limiting: "flows exceeding 512kbyte/s" => --hashlimit-mode srcip,dstip,srcport,dstport --hashlimit-above 512kb/s However, when I try to specify a rule like that, 1) it…
2 answers

Limiting bandwidth on internal interface on Linux gateway

I am responsible for a Linux-based (it runs Debian) branch office router that takes a single high-speed Internet connection (eth2) and turns it into about 20 internal networks, each with a seperate subnet ( to and a…
Jack Scott
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