Every now and then I revisit the issue of shaping skype traffic.
AFAIK Skype is notorious for ignoring most settings - incoming ports, proxies, etc so it is not possible to give special treatment to skype traffic - I guess the idea is to keep skype traffic unblockable by ISPs and telcos, but at the same time it makes it hard to prioritize the traffic and get good quality of the line, even on today's very wide connections.
Now, recently I saw a SOHO router that seemed to recognize Skype traffic and I think was able to prioritize it (didn't have much time to play with it)
So, is there any hope to do this? (Solution needs not be simple, I can do routing over linux box and play with traffic shaping on it)
EDIT: Might be duplicate of How to change routing for skype packets?, but I am checking for new developments and it has been a year since that question.
Seems it is possible to do it using l7 filtering