Questions tagged [traffic-management]

70 questions
3 answers

How do high traffic sites service more than 65535 TCP connections?

If there is a limit on the number of ports one machine can have and a socket can only bind to an unused port number, how do servers experiencing extremely high amounts (more than the max port number) of requests handle this? Is it just done by…
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Does anyone really understand how HFSC scheduling in Linux/BSD works?

I read the original SIGCOMM '97 PostScript paper about HFSC, it is very technically, but I understand the basic concept. Instead of giving a linear service curve (as with pretty much every other scheduling algorithm), you can specify a convex or…
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Sharing Bandwidth and Prioritizing Realtime Traffic via HTB, Which Scenario Works Better?

I would like to add some kind of traffic management to our Internet line. After reading a lot of documentation, I think HFSC is too complicated for me (I don't understand all the curves stuff, I'm afraid I will never get it right), CBQ is not…
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Linux traffic shaping using TC

My internet connection goes like this: Internet <-128kbps link-> Cisco Router (Public IP) <-LAN-> Linux router/server (Public IP) <-LAN-> Regular PCs (Public IPs) The Cisco router: the first Public IP allocated to my institution (/29) is programmed…
4 answers

Traffic Management recommendations

What's your strategy towards traffic prioritization/management. I am not really to just get a list of packet shaping solutions. Instead, I would like to get recommendations about traffic management strategies that include: What software/hardware…
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How can I handle big traffic spikes on my dedicated server?

I have an E-Commerce site, which gains a sudden peak of very high traffic when I turn on different ads campaigns. From this moment on, my current dedicated server (Hostgator, 4GB Memoray, 100mbps uplink) becomes unresponsive. I have worked too…
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How to collect figures of traffic used per-host, broken up by time and destination?

We have a relatively small network, all PSs in one subnet. One PC with two NICs and pfSense installed works as a firewall/router. There is an OpenVPN tunnel to a remote location, created as a site-to-site connection to another pfSense box there. I…
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Limiting incoming traffic with tc police

I have a requirement to limit the total incoming traffic to 5mbit. I know this can be achieved by using the following tc command: tc filter add dev eth0 parent ffff: protocol ip u32 match u32 0 0 police rate 5mbit burst 10k drop flowid…
1 answer

forward incoming traffic to local listener

I have a service running on localhost which listens port localhost:10000 What I want to do is to forward all traffic coming to publicip:15000 to localhost:10000 where changing the configuration of service is not available. Service only listens…
Harun Baris Bulut
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How can I use PFSense to make streaming videos suck?

Is it possible with PFSense and Traffic shaping to make watching movies really not worth it. We had a problem a while back (our inbound pipe was full) and it got people off youtube and back on to doing what they should be doing while at work. I'd…
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Nginx Rate Limiting by Referrer?

I've successfully set up rate limiting on IP addresses like so, limit_req_zone $binary_remote_addr zone=one:10m rate=1r/s; But I was wondering if its possible to do the same on referrers? For example, if a site gets placed in an iframe on a…
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Having two subdomains on one public IP addres behind pFsense router

I have one public static IP address. I have my main domain register at local Internet provider and their DNS. My main router is pfSense and behind it i have my local network. My WEB server is in local LAN and pfSense doing NAT (port redirect) WEB…
1 answer

SonicWall traffic analysis

I have Sonic Wall PRO 2040 Standard in domain network. I need to see which pc has high bandwidth usage at the moment, for example streaming music or anti-virus trying to download update, to resolve bandwidth issue. I found in administration…
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How do I find out what all this traffic is?

I have seen a consistent spike in traffic over my network since Monday morning and I don't know where it's coming from! I don't have netflow routers (like I would like), I have IPCop firewalls. Is there any way that's built in to Linux that I…
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1 answer

How to use "Set weight" in HAProxy

Hi I have configured an HAProxy server in haproxy.cfg to balance the traffic flow between two servers, say server web1 weight 50 server web2 weight 50 For testing purpose we need to set the weights dynamically, so we are…
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