Questions tagged [traffic-management]

70 questions
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tc police rate packets by iptables handle?

I want to limit download speed from any IP to 800kbit, (this works) And I want to limit the download speed of marked packets to 400kbit. I don't get any errors, but it's not limiting the download speed of the packets marked with number 30. I've…
3 answers

How to setup a traffic limit per user on OpenVPN?

I am setting up a VPN server using OpenVPN. The authentication method is the certificate one (different certs for client and server). The VPS has 1TB of traffic monthly. I plan allowing up to 4 clients per one server. So I'd like to restrict the…
1 answer

Prioritize traffic going to different interfaces

For example, we have regular clients sitting on wlan1 and Bittorrent client sitting on eth2. They access Internet via eth1. Bittorrent download traffic should be given lowest priority. So, that Bittorrent download on eth2 will not hinder regular…
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DNS Level Load Balancing

Is it possible in this world to achieve DNS Level Load Balancing? For example, I have a Server A (111.222.333.444) and Server B (555.666.777.888), and there be some third party DNS hosting (like CloudFlare) which could decide if Server A is down (or…
2 answers

Does traffic from accessing locally-shared file via UNC path still go through the switch?

if I'm accessing a local file via UNC path, for example //hostname/abc.txt, Will the traffic still go through the switch or it's clever enough to figure out this is a local machine, i.e. will there be a significant speed impact if I'm accessing a…
2 answers

bandwidth monitoring issue on PfSense router

I have a PfSense router installed , where it has 4 interfaces. one of them is WAN and rest 3 are LAN networks, which have different subnets and IP address ranges. wan interface name = em0 lan interfaces names = em1 em2 em3 i have used PfSense…
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5 answers

Monitor traffic by source/destination IP address

I need to monitor traffic coming in and out of my server. Knowing the total in/out bandwidth is good, but ideally I would like to know how much traffic was sent to what address (we are talking about static IP addresses). Is there a tool that would…
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Best way to prepare for one time digg-like effect

I have a web site which will be featured in a place which will send a large peak of one-time traffic in a couple of weeks. The server hosting the website also hosts the control panel my customers use. The website part is simple and mostly static.…
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managing a high traffic media sharing website

i'm in the process of developing a website that i predict will generate a lot of traffic. the site will be similar to many other sites offering free media streaming: mp3's. we are going to start with a pretty minimal amount of media to share, but…
Jordan Westerman
1 answer

What free and efficient web/trafic filtering options are good for this situation?

The Story (you can skip this if you like) So my girlfriend got a job as pedagog at a small boarding home (around 40 kids, age 10 to 18), 3 weeks ago. I went there once and surfed the web from a shared pc and noticed they were used for everything but…
0 answers

Can I receive HTTP Format packet (raw data) by using VPC Mirroring on AWS?

AWS launched a new service named VPC Traffic Mirroring. I wonder if I can receive HTTP Format packet(raw data) by using this service on between ALB(src) and NLB(dst). Do I have to decrypt this mirrored packet for view raw format(HTTP) ?
1 answer

LINUX: multiq leaf not replaceable with tc

# uname -r 4.7.5-200.fc24.x86_64+debug # tc -s -d qdisc show dev ens3 qdisc mq 8001: root Sent 44589 bytes 340 pkt (dropped 0, overlimits 0 requeues 0) backlog 0b 0p requeues 0 qdisc fq_codel 0: parent 8001:1 limit 10240p flows 1024 quantum…
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Setting up an Inter VLAN for new building

Have added a building to our existing motel business setup and looking to utilise a fibre trunk to share a single internet connection between an open guest network (LAN and WiFi to guest rooms) and our business network which will now reside in the…
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Layer 7 QoS Management

I have currently run a medium size SOHO network that can have up to 25-50 users and I am looking to implement a QoS system to better utilize the bandwidth. I currently am using pfSense however, both of its main QoS/Traffic Shaping options leave much…
Nick W.
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Loss of service in GAE's deployment method using Traffic Migrate?

I want to know if there is any possible downtime in GAE's method of "silent" deployments. I'm using inbound_services: - warmup and deploying apps with -no-promote --no-stop-previous-version flags before going to App Engine and migrating traffic…
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