What's your strategy towards traffic prioritization/management.
I am not really to just get a list of packet shaping solutions. Instead, I would like to get recommendations about traffic management strategies that include:
- What software/hardware products you use, or have used
- How this solution is/was implemented
- Why would you recommend (or not) this solution/strategy
Here are some solutions I've heard of, but haven't had much (if at all) experience with them:
- Linux Advanced Routing Traffic Contro (http://lartc.org/)
- Packeteer (http://www.bluecoat.com/products/packetshaper/specifications)
- NetEqualizer (http://www.netequalizer.com/nda.htm)
- Network Composer (http://www.cymphonix.com/Products.html)
- NetEnforcer (http://www.allot.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=45&Itemid=88888966)
Some notes:
- I'm debating myself whether or not to include pricing information
- This is assuming you have the NEED for traffic management