Questions tagged [traffic-management]

70 questions
3 answers

How often are proxies used

How often are proxies to obfuscate internet traffic used? Do most companies connect directly to the Internet (after using a proxy to cache and filter content), or is there some obfuscation of their traffic, is that permissible? I was curious to…
Walter White
0 answers

How to migrate domain from site on Azure to Traffic Manager without downtime

I'm trying to figure out how to migrate my live site from a single instance on Azure to a multi-server traffic manager solution. Specifically, I need to know how to migrate the domain name so the site remains up and doesn't go down. I am using the…
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Determine Which IP address is using the most throughput Juniper SRX 220

We have a Juniper SRX 220 firewall, and our ISP provides a readout of our total throughput for times of the day. There is a throughput spike fairly consistently during certain hours and we are trying to locate the IP(s) responsible to determine…
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Server slow, but plenty of CPU & RAM

My site has gone from getting 20,000 visits/day, to 182,000 yesterday, due to being featured on a number of popular sites. The site has become somewhat unresponsive. Many requests will lead to a timeout. Yet there is plenty of CPU & RAM available.…
1 answer

What are the tools needed to best asses a load balancer?

I'm building a Paas with Docker container in the field of Networkf Function Virtualization. I need to deploy some load-balancers inside containers. I need to asses the load balancers in differents scenarios and under different metrics like CPU…
1 answer

Azure - how to route traffic away from a server during an update

What's the best practice for routing traffic away from an Azure website / role when you want to run an update. Would you simply route away traffic using the Traffic Manager and wait the 5 minutes or however long you have the DNS TTL set to? That…
Mr. Flibble
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Riverbed Stringray TrafficManger - API calls for Autoscaling

I am looking for advice on writing a bash script to put new server that we spin-up in AWS and get them added to our Stingrays. We are creating a new environment in AWS that will be muilt-AZ in AWS autoscaling groups as we are building it with…
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Bandwidth Reservation vs QOS

what is the difference between bandwidth reservation and QOS? for example, if I reserve 30Mbps to VOIP traffic on a router, is that the same of QOS? or does QOS work in a different way?
2 answers

Change the port number of outgoing packets originating from local process

I need to change the outgoing port number of all UDP packets originating from a local process. For example: local machine udp dest: port 2222 should become (before leaving the local machine): udp…
3 answers

Should I add more RAM or CPU on my server? How do I figure this?

I host a PHP/MySQL application with Smarty caching on my server. It routinely gets short traffic spikes via tweets to thousands of followers. The traffic spike goes up to 6 hits /sec for upto 20-30 mins. And later reduces to less than a hit a…
3 answers

Server requirement for running an application having huge network traffic

What I am asking is a very common question that comes to any developer's mind when he/she wants to host a server but a precise answer is not easily available. I need to host a server which returns HTTP response of 20KB. This server is expected to…
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Tracking forwarded traffic

I have following set up : a machine with a public IP with several machines with static IP behind it (NAT). How would I monitor the traffic they generate on a per IP basis (the LAN ip to which traffic gets forwarded) ?
Lucas Kauffman
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6 answers

Which open source monitor application for Linux is the best and simplest to use

Possible Duplicate: What tool do you use to monitor your servers? I am currious to know from the community which monitoring applications are the best and simplest to install and use for the Linux platform. Please keep in mind that we need the…
1 answer

Deploying Web App in a Server

I would like to Deploy a Web app which provides Web Services and I want some more traffic to get. So I'm doubting to purchase web host. Because most of the Unlimited web hosting packages are very very expensive. I cannot determine what are the…
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Make MRTG graph Titles more Specific?

MRTG defaults to titling each traffic graph as "Traffic Analysis for ${port_int}" I would like to instead have each graph titled by the description of the switchport. How could I do this?
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