Questions tagged [psftp]

3 questions
1 answer

The server's host key is not cached in the registry

There is a scheduled job to send files via psftp command (psftp -bc -v -P 22 -l username -pw password -b upload220506.ftp ftpsitename) in windows server. It is already cached by running exe file manually from command prompt as administrator.…
1 answer

"Getting Fatal Error: Receved unexpected end-of-file from SFTP server" from Windows OpenSSH - Issue with latest OpenSSH version

EDIT: Well, found (at least one) problem. We set up a new VM and installed the latest version of OpenSSH server for windows (v8.9) and it also fails to run correctly. The servers where it still works are running the older release, v8.6. I'm in…
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1 answer

Why PSFTP script is failing when ran as system?

I have a Windows cmd batch file that should retrieve listing of files that are on an FTP server via sFTP using PuTTY PSFTP exe and use that for further processing. The cmd is: echo ls | psftp -l myusername -pw mycomplexpwd FTPServerHostname >…
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