Questions tagged [schtasks]

19 questions
1 answer

Permissions or ACL for Scheduled Tasks

I am on a Windows Server 2012 R2 and the logged in account is a member of Administrators. This is a screen shot of Task Scheduler: I have tasks in folders another administrator created: RPA and Test. Running schtasks /query, it lists only the \ and…
Old Geezer
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Need help using SCHTASKS on Windows Server 2008/2012

I'm executing the following command : schtasks /create /tn "test" /ru system /SC onevent /TR "test" /F /RL HIGHEST /MO "*[System[Provider[@Name='SupportAssistService'] and EventID=900]]" /EC APPLICATION [Using the command references for SCHTASKS…
2 answers

How can I script schtasks so it doesn't need a password?

I'm trying to install some software using a batch script and using schtasks to start a service every day at midnight. The script works fine, but it prompts for a password, which causes the script to hang. I've tried using the '/RU "user" /RP ""'…
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How to schedule a task to run when the windows server is reboot or shutdown?

I would like to be able to fire a task before a windows server 2012 is reboot or shutdown. I can see task scheduler supports an 'on startup' trigger. Unfortunately there is similar event for reboot or restart. Is there anyway I can achieve the my…
Anthony Kong
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Add a new scheduled task from command line with "wake the computer to run this task" on

I'm trying to add a scheduled task to start every day at a fixed hour even if the computer is in sleep mode. In the Windows Scheduled Tasks Manager UI, there is a check-box labeled "Wake the computer to run this task". How can I set this option…
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How to schedule a task for multiple days of a month using schtasks.exe?

Since task scheduler API has been changed after Vista & Server 2008, scheduling a task with schtasks is (as much as I know) the only way that works on both Windows 2003 Server and Windows 2008 Server. I need to create a task that will run every on…
2 answers

Unable to see Scheduled Task even with access rights to SYSTEM32\Tasks

I have a follow-up question to this. I have a task folder RPA with two tasks as follows: I created these two tasks myself using the Task Scheduler UI (as in above image). My trouble is I am now unable to see SPSBatch using SchTasks.exe: I am user…
Old Geezer
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Which port is used for running schtasks.exe in a remote computer?

I was trying to extract the list of scheduled tasks in a number of remote computers, and found this schtasks.exe. I put this inside a powershell script and run against a list of servers, and almost 80% of the servers returned the results. This was…
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Task Scheduled Powershell Script Not Shutting Down machine

I have a task running on a Hyper-V server setup as such: schtasks /CREATE /TN AutoShutdown /RU "SYSTEM" /TR "Powershell \"C:\AutoShutdown.ps1\"" /SC ONSTART It runs properly (as far as I can tell) however the script has a line to shutdown the…
1 answer

Windows task fails but throws no errors and writes no output

This creates a task that works and writes to a file: schtasks --% /create /tn "test" /sc minute /mo 10 /ru SYSTEM /tr "powershell get-date | out-file -Encoding:ascii c:\log.log" This does not create a log file and i cant see any errors: schtasks…
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Trigger a scheduled task "At task creation/modification" schtasks

I am creating a schedules task to run just before it's created and deleted after it runs. I am using the tool, schtasks to create the scheduled task, but i havent found the parameter to run the task "At task creation/modification" schtasks /create…
kimo pryvt
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SchTasks giving out error (0x1) on Windows 2008 R2

i have a powershell script which creates scheduled tasks as a part of automation process and my syntax is following; schtasks /create /s ServerName /u $username /p $password /ru $username /rp $password /sc once /sd $StartDate /st $StartTime /tn…
1 answer

How do I start an elevated process with schtasks.exe?

GUI vs Command-Line The task scheduler GUI provides an option to run the scheduled task in an elevated context ("Run with highest privileges"), e.g. I cannot find a corresponding flag for schtasks.exe. The closest thing I can find is to export an…
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How to use schtasks to query a remote server as a non-admin?

I want to query a remote server's tasks: schtasks /query /s ERROR: Access is denied. The account I am running this from is not a local admin on the remote server, but I have the following set up: The account has read and execute…
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3 answers

schtasks.exe adding repeat every 10 min when not desired

I am trying to create a scheduled task from the command line. I need the task to run every day at 7:05pm and run for a maximum duration of 1 hour. Just once until the next day. Here is my command: schtasks.exe /create /ru DeployUser /rp '********'…
Rob S.
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