Questions tagged [symlink]

166 questions
1 answer

Process can't see recently created symlink on NFS

I have a small amount of old ubuntu desktops connected by a switch acting as a mini test cluster. The workers take commands from a master node via the SLURM queue manager. They share a data mount and a mount containing executables to act on the data…
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How to access original files from before a symlink gets updated, which have since been moved to another dir

We have a website and our deployment process goes somewhat like the following (with lots of irrelevant steps excluded) echo "Remove previous, if it exists, we don't need that anymore" rm -rf /home/[XXX]/php_code/previous echo "Create the current…
Luke Cousins
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2 answers

If a web root directory has a simlink that points to a folder one-level up, does that pose a security risk?

Assuming a Linux/Unix system. Not asking about any particular server software, just wondering in general. I want to use this to include javascript libraries or things like that in multiple sites or subdomains.
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Setup VSFTP to download file not symlink

I am running VSFTP. In a chroot environment I have the following setup: ftpdir/directory1 ftpdir/file1.txt ftpdir/links/linktodirectory1 -> ../directory1 ftpdir/links/linktofile1.txt -> ../file1.txt Where ftpdir/links/linktodirectory1 is a symbolic…
Rudolf Vavruch
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Apache2 Serves Old Content After Symlink Change

When we deploy we create a timestamped folder in a versions folder. After it's done cloning from git we unlink the symlink, and create a new one to the new versioned folder. We reload apache (not a full restart) and when we refresh the pages it…
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Mount a Symlink Directory to Document Root for Deployment

Trying to establish a secure multiuser environment with limited user permissions and automated deployment. The example has been made simple to express the idea. Docroot: /var/www/site/staging/current/public Deploy user site-staging:staging Home…
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debian: follow symlink outside basedir giers error

I have several virtual host with each there folder. And a single shared folder: /home/website1 /home/website2 /home/website3 /home/shared_src Symlinks works fine inside each folder to a per website folder called "codebase". I have copied the folder…
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Copy symlink structure from one server to another

I have a symlink structure that I would like to copy from one server to another. I do not want to copy the files, just copy the symlink structure itself. I tried simply tarring the list of symlinks, but that did not produce a valid tar file. Is…
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OEL Link a directory to another one

I have a Oracle Enterprise Linux Server that is serving a website at /var/www/html/, there is a directory inside /var/www/html/ called "Attachments". This directory is growing very big (around 17GB atm) and the "/" partition is only 50GB. The…
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File access from CentOS new HDD by web user

I am using Centos 6.3 final and Apache 2.2.15. I recently installed a new HDD and created a symlink within my website's root directory so that my script can write big files to it and uses can access them through web. However, it looks like I…
1 answer

Apache acting strange on symlinks

I have a VPS with CentOS and I'm facing a very strange behavior by Apache webserver. I started this server with 50GB of disk space and soon I ran out of space so I asked maintenance department and they added another 50GB as a new hard drive. So I…
Farid Rn
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Kickstart Installation from USB

My goal is to install Oracle Linux 6.3 from USB. My problem is when I copy DVD media to USB. The symlink file repodata is unable to create because the file system is FAT/FAT32. Below is the symlink detail. -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 196 Jun 26 2012…
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VMWare/Ubuntu development stack with symlink to Windows 7

I would like to use a vm ubuntu installation as my testing environment, but to ease workflow, I have symlinked /var/www to a windows share. Everything looks good when browsing files and the owner and group both are showing up as www-data, but I can…
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Does soft link affects xml parsing and database process

I have a php code that does an xml parsing and inserts data into the mysql database. The code can process one xml file in an average of 18 minutes. Since I will be having lots of xml files and database space, I have configured the xml files and…
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1 answer

Get directory of a symlinked script

I have to determine the directory of a script which is symlinked. /usr/local/src/myscript/ /usr/local/bin/ (Symlink to the one above) A cronjob executes /usr/local/bin/ Inside I am trying to determine…
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