I'm using svn+ssh and I see a number of:

Killed by signal 15.

during a svn up.

Any ideas way?

Noah Campbell
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  • There are a large number of hits for http://www.google.com/search?q=svn+signal+15 looking through them there does seem to be a known bug for older versions of subversion that require you to update your .subversion/config http://old.nabble.com/svn%2Bssh----Killed-by-signal-15.-td26226917.html – Zoredache Mar 09 '10 at 20:58

4 Answers4


The message you are seeing is printed by ssh as a result of the fix for svn-issue #2580.

This is expected. You need to add -q to the ssh command invoked by svn, which happens by default as of 1.6.6.

Put this in ~/.subversion/config under the [tunnels] section:

ssh = $SVN_SSH ssh -q
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  • To make the solution work, you should put the line into [tunnels] section – no id Jul 01 '14 at 03:19
  • Note that the fix applied to Subversion somewhere from about 1.6.5 onwards is only to the default `ssh` setting in your config `[tunnels]` section. If you have an existing installation with that set, e.g. `ssh = $SVN_SSH ssh -o ControlMaster=no`, (sans `-q`) then you will need to add that setting there, as the updated default will not apply. – javabrett Feb 29 '16 at 22:15

The correct answer is:

Add the -q parameter after  "$SVN_SSH ssh" in ~/.subversion/config

In plain English:

If your ~/.subversion/config already has such a line, then edit the line. Else add it.

So, if you are sure there is no occurrence of ssh = $SVN_SSH ssh then add a new line:

ssh = $SVN_SSH ssh -q 

If the line already exists, typically as ssh = $SVN_SSH ssh -o ControlMaster=no then edit it to read ssh = $SVN_SSH ssh -q -o ControlMaster=no

Warning: The order of the parameters seems to matter. ssh = $SVN_SSH ssh -q -o ControlMaster=no works, but ssh = $SVN_SSH ssh -o -q ControlMaster=no fails with the message command-line: line 0: Bad configuration option: -q.

 ~/.subversion/config: ssh = $SVN_SSH ssh -q

This doesn't work - I think this is the fix for the previous bug.

[n@g ~]$ svn up /opt/
At revision 1492.
Killed by signal 15.
[n@g ~]$ grep "ssh =" ~/.subversion/config
ssh = $SVN_SSH ssh -q

If it isnt working perhaps you are invoking ssh using something other than the $SVN_SSH variable. http://www.freebsdonline.com/content/view/764/528/ has an example of that.

regarding the warning:

"Warning: The order of the parameters seems to matter. ssh = $SVN_SSH ssh -q -o ControlMaster=no works, but ssh = $SVN_SSH ssh -o -q ControlMaster=no fails with the message command-line: line 0: Bad configuration option: -q."

that is because you placed the -q after the -o which is looking for the option (ControlMaster=no) specified by -o. if you placed the -q after the option, it will work. ie

ssh = $SVN_SSH ssh -o ControlMaster=no -q
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