Questions tagged [interface]

326 questions
2 answers

Specify route to an interface in Windows cmd

I have a computer with 2 network interfaces. One interface is connected to LAN network with IP, and the other is connected to a recorder server ( is the gateway for the LAN. When I try to ping to…
Davi GN
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2 answers

Network issue. Ifup says unknown interface

This is the output of ifconfig # ifconfig enp0s3 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 08:00:27:ef:b6:e6 inet addr: Bcast: Mask: inet6 addr: fe80::cf19:776a:4d5c:36e0/64 Scope:Link UP…
searcot jabali
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1 answer

Make sshd listen to a specific interface

On my machine I'm using OpenVPN which use the tun0 interface. I want sshd to listen only on this interface. I know, I can specify the IP address to listen to in /etc/ssh/sshd_config with a ListenAddress directive. But my IP address will…
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4 answers

How to identify NICs that are connected to the same switch from a Linux box?

Initial Setup As a Linux administrator you have installed a fresh Linux box with 6 NICs eth0 to eth5. The eth0 interface is correctly configured and all other interfaces are currently up but without IP address. The network guys have simply attached…
Reiner Rottmann
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2 answers

How does Linux pick which network interface to use?

Let's say I have a machine with two network adapters on different subnets, eth0 ( and eth1 ( Assuming both subnets have routes to the internet (though their own NATs) and to the rest of the local network (though their own…
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3 answers

Pick the default network interface

I have a server with 2 interfaces. eth0 is 100 times faster than eth1. Though for some reason, every reboot, the default interface is picked at random. To make things more annoying, they both use the same gateway, so selecting the default gateway…
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1 answer

ifconfig shows UP while ip link shows DOWN

I am looking at the state of an interface on a Linux system. When I use the ifconfig command it shows that the link is UP. master $ ifconfig docker0 docker0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 02:42:b9:25:be:2d inet addr: …
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2 answers

Ping not working from tap interface attached to bridge interface with ip on same subnet as that of bridge to outside

My requirement is to create a multiple tap interfaces, each with ip address on same subnet. I tried this by creating a bridge br0 ( ___________|_____________________________________ | | …
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2 answers

Packet captures: filtering on RX vs TX

I have a network problem where frames with a source MAC which matches with one of my host's source MACs are arriving at the host - an apparent duplicate MAC, or loop, or other L2 problem. I believe this is the situation because the MAC tables (CAM…
Joshua Miller
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3 answers

identify physical network device by interface name in linux

I have multiple USB to ethernet devices which are plugged to the same pc. Is there a way to identify which one is mapped to which eth* network interface via usb port/etc ? I have tried looking in lsusb and /proc, but haven't found anything useful.
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4 answers

Get the interface and ip address used to connect to a specific host (ip)

I'm sure this has been asked and answered before, but I wasn't able to find it, so hopefully this will at least link someone to the right place. I want to find out my local interface and ip address used to reach a certain host. For instance, if I…
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5 answers

Is there any way to force my Linux box to always boot up with a self-assigned IP address?

This is perhaps an unusual request: I'm trying to get a Debian Linux box to always give itself a self-assigned IP address (i.e. 169.254.x.y) on boot. In particular, I want it to do that even when there is a DHCP server present on the LAN. That…
Jeremy Friesner
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2 answers

NTPD seems to delete all network interfaces

We have a couple of virtual interfaces configured on eth0 on a CentOS, and every now and then, they went down seemingly out of the blue. Now after going through the log files, I found out that apparently ntpd deletes all eth0 interfaces, and that…
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4 answers

Is it possible to run two services on the same ports with different IP but on the same machine?

My question is simple. Is it possible to run TWO different game servers using exact same port but on different IP's using same network interface on the same server ? Does each IP adress have it's own port pool or is it limited to machine's network…
Bartek Szablowski
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2 answers

How do I update my /etc/network/interfaces file so the box comes up with ONLY IPv6 self-assigned address?

I apologize for this blatantly newbie-ish question, but I'd like to do this "the right way" and not just muck about until it seems to work, and the documentation I have doesn't seem to address this case. Currently, a Debian Linux box that I am…
Jeremy Friesner
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