Questions tagged [startup-scripts]

121 questions
2 answers

FreeBSD: Starting PostgreSQL before other services

I run a python application on FreeBSD that uses PostgreSQL, Nginx, and UWSGI. UWSGI I manage with SupervisorD. My /etc/rc.conf looks like this: ... postgresql_enable="YES" nginx_enable="YES" supervisord_enable="YES" SupervisorD starts a couple…
0 answers

/dev/console terminal for startup service on Centos 7

I am working on a system running Centos 7 and I'm pretty new to Linux in general. I have a task to re-implement some startup services that was supported automatically by 3rd party tool in our previous system which runs on Centos 6.6 In our old…
Duc Nguyen
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1 answer

Apache mod_perl cannot locate startup script

Running Centos 6.6 with Apache 2.2.15 and mod_perl 2.0.4 I'm trying to add a startup script ( but cannot seem to get mod_perl to find it. I've reduced the config down to the bare minimum that still reproduces the issue for me. Apache…
Ex Umbris
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3 answers

How do I schedule a batch file to run on startup or shutdown?

I have 2 batch files that send emails intended to notify of a server shutdown or startup. The batch files call an exe with a single argument, the message to be sent. The exe comes from a program using The batch files work…
0 answers

"Please Wait" When running startup script, only on Windows 8.1

I have a startup script and I have been testing it on 3 different virtual machines. These machines are running different versions of Windows(7, 8, and 8.1). They all have the same Group Policy applied to them from my domain. On both the Windows 7…
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Run a script via .plist on login as if in a specific directory

My .plist file calls a shell script but the script fails because it references other files in the same directory as the script. Thus the script only runs successfully when I 'cd' to the correct folder. How can I get the .plist to have this happen?
Ian Warburton
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2 answers

How do I output the previous logged in IP's during an SSH login to my ubuntu server?

I have Ubuntu 12.04 installed and everytime I log in, I would like to see the previous IP addresses that logged in to my server. How would I go about doing this? I have fail2ban installed already.
1 answer

How do I make a program start up automatically on reboot?

I am currently renting a VPS that is running CentOS 6.5. I am using it to run a basic forum site, and obviously, I need a web server and MySQL to power that. I have chosen Apache for my web server, and I am using the standard mysql-server package…
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0 answers

How to use input variables within a systemd script?

I'm trying to write a systemd service that both starts at boot time and can be used during a user session using the "sudo systemctl restart" command. However, when using this command I need to be able to pass different parameters such as "-x" or…
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1 answer

Reconnect Windows Network Drive after network connection has been established

User uses a piece of software (simple database and front end app) that connects to a database stored on another workstation, by way of mapped drive. This mode of access is supported by the software vendor and is not a hack in any way. The problem…
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1 answer

Run script when Varnish starts

I'd like to run a script when Varnish starts. This script should execute a webrequest to a webserver (its backend), which then makes sure Varnish's cache gets filled with all pages residing on this webserver. So this script makes sure everyting is…
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1 answer

Providing network drive access to a windows service

I have a windows service, which requires access to a network drive. As Windows Service does not perform interactive logon, it's not possible to use mapped drive from active directory user logon script. Which would be the best - secure and elegant…
2 answers

auto start user(not root user) process on fedora boot

I have a VM running under Fedora OS. That VM has four users lets say(A, B, C, D). That VM has one process running under each user. So when that VM is rebooted, what should I do so that those process auto starts under respective user. Provided that a…
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1 answer

Configuring OpenLDAP init script on CentOS 6.4

If I just run slapd with no arguments (as root) it starts and works fine. When I try to start it using /etc/init.d/slapd start however, it dies immediately. I see from looking at the init script that there's a configuration file at…
Brad Mace
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1 answer

Trouble using update-rc.d to change Debian startup order

I have a Debian Wheezy system on which I want Tomcat to start after MySQL. In the default runlevel 2, they are named as follows in /etc/rc2.d: S16tomcat7 S18mysql I can get the desired effect, at least temporarily, by manually renaming the tomcat7…
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