Questions tagged [slave]

37 questions
1 answer

MySQL replication error

On the slave server this appears when I run show proccesslist: State: Has read all relay log; waiting for the slave I/O thread to update it The slave servers don't accept more queries from the application. Any idea why MySQL is doing this?
4 answers

Mysql replications: slave is not readonly

After setting up mysql replications with master/slave db scheme, I noticed that the slave db server is not read-only. Of cause, after that I configured it manually in /etc/my.cnf file. I just can't understand: isn't it the default behavior that the…
Andrey Pesoshin
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1 answer

Promoting MYSQL Slave to MYSQL Master

I have a MySQL setup with one master (M1) and one slave(S1). Due to some unforeseen issue I need to promote my slave server to master and demote master to slave. My MySQL version is 5.6 in Linux. Please let me know the exact process as this is the…
0 answers

How to add Jenkins slave (Java web start) using CURL?

I was able to create a bash script to use Curl (doCreateItem) to create SSH slave which would show up in Jenkins ---> Nodes without a problem, My question is how to create slave with Java Web start launch method, Or at least a way to change the…
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MySQL 5.6 Deadlock Issue

I have a sporadic deadlocking issue with MySQL 5.6. This server is configured as a read only slave, which is why it is extremely odd there is a deadlock issue. I have innodb_lock_wait_timeout set to 120. A subset (due to character limits on…
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2 answers

DNS / Update slaves without NOTIFY from master

If I have a master zone which is configured not to send any NOTIFY's, can the slaves still query the master, check the serial and get a zone-transfer? I thought there were 2 possibilities: Master sends NOTIFY to slaves => Zone-Transfer…
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1 answer

PowerDNS error with slave

I have a PowerDNS 3.3 server installed on Ubuntu 14.04 (for testing). It should be master only. No slave exists. I keep on getting this error: Received NOTIFY for from but slave support is disabled in the…
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Shutdown Jenkins slave from Master

A Jenkins 1.651 master and slave have been installed on a Windows Server 2012. I need a way to kill the slave from the master (I already have a job that start the slave). Could you please give me any advice on the best way to proceed?
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Erratic Seconds_Behind_Master

One of my MySQL slaves will at one moment, report 57 seconds behind master, and the next will show 0. I am also monitoring with mk-heartbeat which shows an average of less than 1 second. MySQL and system dates are correct. How exactly does MySQL…
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MySQL: One database slave, multiple masters

My question is: Am I able to have one database server as slave to more than one master servers with different databases. So for example: DB-Server-1 contains database Apple DB-Server-2 contains database Banana I want to replicate them to my…
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Cannot enable innodb_read_only on slave

I am trying to make a MariaDB slave instance read only. From what I understand, read_only option is not truly readonly as users with super privilege can still write to the database. super_read_only is not yet supported by MariaDB, but there is an…
Joyce Babu
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1 answer

Jenkins Slave Remote FS root configuration not taking effect

I am trying to change the work space folder in which my jenkins build runs on. From the documentation and other resources I have set this in the node as shown below: When I run the build it's still pulling to the original folder…
Husk Rekoms
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0 answers

Slave interface receiving packets but not bond. Why?

I have 2 network interfaces with mac aa:aa:aa:aa:aa:aa and bb:bb:bb:bb:bb:bb When i bind them the bond gets the mac aa:aa:aa:aa:aa. I make a configuration where i make sure all the replies of icmp requests leaving the bond reaches the bond ip at…
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2 answers

Cannot figure out DNS Master Error:

I am attempting to use zone transfer between my Master and Slave DNS servers however I am unable to start my named service and receive the following error: [root@balsam named]# systemctl status named.service ● named.service - Berkeley Internet Name…
1 answer

What is best method for fixing a out of sync mysql slave when pt-online-schema-change, pt-table-sync, xtrabackup do not work?

We all know, there are several methods for syncing data from a mysql master to a slave. After reading many blogs about this issue, two common tools always come up: pt-online-schema-change pt-table-sync xtrabackup in my case, i cannot use them,…
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