Questions tagged [powerdns]

PowerDNS is a DNS server developed by PowerDNS.COM BV, and known for its variety of backends.

PowerDNS is a DNS server, designed and running on most UNIX operating systems. It allows dynamic DNS changes through several backends, therefore making DNS zones edition easier than the basic BIND configuration scheme. PowerDNS 3.0 includes a DNSSEC support.


In its basic configuration, PowerDNS (shortened "pdns" in a technical environment) runs with 2 components:

  • A core server, pdns_server, handling DNS-related operations.
  • Loadable backends running as independent threads, handling data storage and organisation.

At the moment, the documentation refers to the following backends:

  • The random backend: silly little backend for demonstration and testing. Generates a random IP address for a given domain name.
  • Pipe backend: the core server handles communication and gets its data from a third-party program, used as the backend. This setup allows the system administrator to use the possibilities of UNIX pipes, and build more complex DNS queries handling processes.
  • MySQL/pgSQL backend: the core server gets its data from a MySQL or pgSQL database, which has to follow a given structure.
  • Oracle backend: same behaviour as above, with some Oracle specifics.
  • SQLite: same behaviour as above, with some SQLite specifics.
  • IBM DB2: same behaviour as above, with some IBM DB2 specifics.
  • OpenDBX backend: same behaviour as above. The module is independent.
  • Bind backend: allows PowerDNS to work as an intermediate process between the client and Bind zone files.
  • ODBC backend (windows only): allows PowerDNS to get information from any source of which it has the correct ODBC driver for.
  • LDAP backend (unmaintained and declared unstable): allows PowerDNS to store its data in a lightweight directory.
  • Geo backend: allows PowerDNS to handle DNS requests on an IP/country basis, using a GeoIP-like database.
  • Lua backend: allows PowerDNS to resolve queries using a Lua script.
  • TinyDNS (recent and experimental): allows PowerDNS to store data in a CDB file.
  • Remote backend: allows PowerDNS to use sockets, pipe and other network components to resolve its DNS queries.

Note: backends are usually referred to as modules, meaning anyone can develop his own DNS queries handler.

The PowerDNS recursor

The recursor is an additional component for a PowerDNS server. The core server can be configured to proxy requests to the recursor, acting as a DNS resolver. It allows the use of caches, recursing and resolving. Running the recursor on its own is therefore more efficient than running it behind the authoritative pdns_server. The pdns_recursor is known to run on several broadband providers infrastructures, as it can handle numerous requests through a multi-threaded behaviour (MTasker library homepage).

131 questions
5 answers

Systemd - start service only after DNS is available

I've got a couple services, most notably nginx and ntpd, that depend on having working DNS resolution to start properly. Right now neither of these services start correctly at boot time, but do start fine when manually intervened on once the machine…
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Is setting an empty/blank DNS A record allowed?

I'm trying to wrap my head around the wonderful world on DNS. I have created a zone file for which contains: @ A * A However I am also setting up my local DNS, which I have created a…
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2 answers

Zone transfer between PowerDNS and Bind9

I have a problem when trying to transfer a full zone from a PowerDNS server to a Bind9 one. The weird part is that there are several zones on the PowerDNS server which serves as a hidden master (with a MySQL backend) but only one zone is failing to…
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1 answer

What would be correct setup procedure for PDNS server?

I am new to the world of DNS servers, but as a part of my current job I should do upgrade on our office network infrastructure. After looking at available options i decided to go with PowerDNS solution PDNS server. Mostly because of easy management…
Alexey Kamenskiy
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PowerDNS slaves not updating after being notified

I'm running two machines with PowerDNS, one being the master (SQL) and one being the slave (Bind backend). After I modify a domain and bump the serial, I get this in the log: Sep 30 22:13:20 localhost pdns[6884]: 1 domain for which we are master…
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How to enable IPv6 glue records (AAAA) in PowerDNS

I'm running a PowerDNS 3.1 on a Debian Wheezy Beta 4 system. The zone data is accessed through a PostgreSQL database, the server answers to both IPv4 and IPv6 queries. If the DNS-Server knows the A record for one of the name servers referenced by NS…
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PowerDNS and a strange NXDomain

Allow me first to set the scene. We used to use Bind9, but ditched it in favour of PowerDNS, because, frankly, Bind sucks. We have a "primary" zone in our DNS master. There's other zones too, The…
Tom O'Connor
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5 answers

DNS: how to get local server to superimpose results over authoritative server?

I've got a domain for which the DNS I control, and is hosted on the internet. I also have a NAT'd internal network ( which has internet access, and which I also control. On this internal network, I also have a DNS resolver. DNS…
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1 answer

PDNS forward zone subdomains only

I am trying to use zone forwarding, but only for subdomains. Imagine that you have an VPN server at the domain vpn.provider.tld. This domain is pointing to an global IP address, accessible from the internet and provided by global DNS server. Inside…
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3 answers

DNS - spam recursion queries

I am using PowerDNS Recursor in local ISP environment. Recursion is allowed only from our IP range but I've came with strange issue. Our own customers PC keeps attacking our DNS server with queries like: 15:43:38.473842 IP [CLIENT_IP].51097 >…
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2 answers

PowerDNS CNAME with multiple A records produces unexpected results

This problem from what i can tell is isolated to PowerDNS. The servers are running two packages pdns-static-3.0.1-1.i386.rpm and pdns-recursor-3.3-1.i386.rpm on the most recent version of Amazon Linux. The amazon ec2 loadbalancers are assigned a…
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3 answers

Tracking DNS queries in PowerDNS

I'm looking into setting up a PowerDNS server to handle a few hundred zones. I'd like to keep track the "usage" of each zone and record, i.e. the number of queries per day to each. I couldn't find any details in the documentation or in Google on how…
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2 answers

PowerDNS, updating serial

I recently wrote script that automatically enteres new Sub Domain records into the PDS mySql database. Now if I enter the entry mannually using Zone Admin my sub domain works 100%. Now if I add it using a simply SQL insert string eg "insert into…
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1 answer

PowerDNS Recursor for Reverse Zones

I'm trying to deploy some PowerDNS servers as an internal DNS host, and I've got the recursor working, and the authoritative working, but the only thing I don't have functional is the reverse lookups. The system is configured to run in the Native…
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1 answer

How can I create an SRV record with the UltraDNS or PowerDNS provider in Terraform?

I didn't see any examples of this on the internet so I thought I'd post the solution here.
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