Questions tagged [master]

28 questions
4 answers

How to find slave's IP address and user name from Master server?

I am writing code to extract the IP address and username of all slave servers in a MySQL replication environment. Does anyone know any function, variable, or something else that I can run in the console and retrieve these infos without looking into…
Kourosh Samia
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0 answers

Kubernetes - Best Practices for Physical Network Segmentation

Based on the following design constraint, does anyone have any best practices or recommendations regarding how to deploy Kubernetes across multiple network zones? What is the most common and accepted method to this approach? For example if I have a…
2 answers

Static master in Redis replication

I'm running replicated Redis that includes a master and just one slave. My goal is to implement a replication (using Redis sentinels) in which the slave becomes master when the master goes down, but additionally the old master is promoted back when…
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Can I restore master to a different name as a user database

I need to look at the contents of sysdatabases from an older backup of master, but I do not want to overwrite my master databse. Can I use the rename option of the restore command to restore master as something else ('MyDB')?
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Setup a non-CA Puppet Master

I would like to set up an additional puppet master to act as a non-CA server. I’ve have installed and am successfully using Passenger. The servers in question are all running CentOS 6.6 and are all on the same network. Selinux has been set to…
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Is it possible to create a mysql slave from start of masters binlog without copying data first?

info: my tables are all innodb. i know i can create a mysql slave by copying the data from master to slave and noting the position in the binlog and set that on the slave. thus the slave should be able to replay all master binlog entries since the…
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1 answer

MySQL Replication: Move slave to be slave of another slave, without any (or least possible) downtime

I have the following setup: M1 = Master 1 S1 = Slave 1 S2 = Slave 2 S3 = Slave 3 Where all slaves are replicating directly from M1. I would like to move S2 and S3 to be slaves of S1. I'm not sure about how to do it without any downtime and with…
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4 answers

Mysql replications: slave is not readonly

After setting up mysql replications with master/slave db scheme, I noticed that the slave db server is not read-only. Of cause, after that I configured it manually in /etc/my.cnf file. I just can't understand: isn't it the default behavior that the…
Andrey Pesoshin
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2 answers

Upgrading XenServer 6.5 to 7.1

I'm currently running XenServer 6.5 on seven Dell PowerEdge Blade Servers. I'm looking to upgrade to XenServer 7.1. From what I've read online the upgrade is pretty simple - download the iso, reboot the server, boot from the iso and select the…
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1 answer

Redis cluster master restarting after a time period

I have a Redis cluster with 3 masters and 3 slaves. I can add data to the cluster and get data back, no problems. The issue comes when the data is saved to a master node. After a while the master will restart itself (see output below) and then the…
2 answers

DNS / Update slaves without NOTIFY from master

If I have a master zone which is configured not to send any NOTIFY's, can the slaves still query the master, check the serial and get a zone-transfer? I thought there were 2 possibilities: Master sends NOTIFY to slaves => Zone-Transfer…
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1 answer

PowerDNS error with slave

I have a PowerDNS 3.3 server installed on Ubuntu 14.04 (for testing). It should be master only. No slave exists. I keep on getting this error: Received NOTIFY for from but slave support is disabled in the…
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Nginx/PHP5-FPM master process - high CPU usage

I've been having some weird issues with PHP-FPM and high CPU usage from the master process. I normally have CPU spikes from traffic since we have a lot of websites but I also run heavy caching with Varnish and everything is load balanced. When…
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2 answers

Is replication from MySQL 5.5 master to a 5.1 slave possible?

Short Version: Is replication from 5.5 master to a 5.1 slave possible? Long Version: We did a large scale upgrade from 5.0 to 5.5. It was a long process if dumping the 400gb dbs and importing them into 5.5. 5.5 replication seems to be completely…
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2 answers

App for managing/testing code on remote cluster of machines

(Not sure if this is the right group) I have a situation where I have a number of apps that get created/built. These apps change over time, so they need to be tested. I have a number of distributed test servers, so I can essentially test the apps in…
tom smith
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