Questions tagged [slave]

37 questions
2 answers

The option to "Launch slave agents via Java Web Start" is missing from new node configuration, how can I add it to the options menu?

I'm following this official Jenkins guide in order to become familiar with the Jenkins Pipeline configuration. One of the steps there is to create a dumb slave and set it to "Launch slave agents via Java Web Start" but for some reason this option is…
Itai Ganot
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Jenkins Linux Slave error: SEVERE: I/O error in channel channel

I am getting this error on all Linux servers try to start a Slave. The version isJenkins ver. 1.532.1. I didn't have this problem when I have another installation with Jenkins ver. 1.509.4. I've read many posts on Internet regarding this issue,…
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2 answers

Jenkins Slave goes offline during the build

A Jenkins 1.651 master and slave have been installed on a Windows Server 2012. The slave is dedicated to run Selenium tests, but most of the time it goes offline: Build step 'Execute Windows batch command' marked build as failure ERROR: slave-tester…
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2 answers

Why does MySQL replication break on missing row, then continue after "START SLAVE"?

The title is a bit confusing, but I can't think of a better one. What I have is a simple vanilla MySQL replication, with the slave occasionally failing, with this error: Error 'Can't find record in 'my_tbl'' on query. Default database: 'my_db'.…
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2 answers

Static master in Redis replication

I'm running replicated Redis that includes a master and just one slave. My goal is to implement a replication (using Redis sentinels) in which the slave becomes master when the master goes down, but additionally the old master is promoted back when…
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Configure bind9 as slave DNS server w/ master DNS server having dynamic IP

I'd like to configure bind9 as DNS slave server doing axfr from a DNS master server (PowerDNS) which is behind a dynamic IP. The usual configuartion is: zone "" { type slave; masters {; }; file…
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2 answers

GTID have been turned off But I have error in replication

I just upgrade from mariadb5 to mariadb10. Then I have error on my slave replication Unable to load replication GTID slave state from mysql.gtid_slave_pos: Table 'mysql.gtid_slave_pos' doesn't exist My master for this replication does not using…
2 answers

Can a single physical interface act as a “slave” for multiple bridge interfaces?

Can a single physical interface act as “slave” for multiple bridge interfaces? For example, br0 and br1 would use eno1 physical. Got KVM host with 4 physical nics, each nic assigned to a different vlan (en0=vlan1,en1=vlan2,en2=vlan3,en3=vlan3). What…
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PowerDNS master server doesn't notify

I have a PowerDNS based master nameserver with 3 slaves. Zone transfer works through AXFR (automatically once every hour it gets checked by the slaves). When I change a record through our panel the notified_serial gets updated correctly as well as…
Jona Koudijs
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2 answers

Is it possible to create a mysql slave from start of masters binlog without copying data first?

info: my tables are all innodb. i know i can create a mysql slave by copying the data from master to slave and noting the position in the binlog and set that on the slave. thus the slave should be able to replay all master binlog entries since the…
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1 answer

Why is MySQL writing hundreds of 125 byte binary log files?

My MySQL Master (with no connected slaves right now) writes out a 125 byte file every minute or so: -rw-rw---- 1 mysql mysql 125 2012-12-28 16:46 snapshot-mysql-v2-bin.004876 -rw-rw---- 1 mysql mysql 125 2012-12-28 16:45…
1 answer

Cloning a VM to add a new MySQL Slave

I am in the process of adding a new slave to a replicated MySQL setup. I'm proposing the following process: clone one of the nodes to a new VM start it with no networking stop mysql change the server-id in my.cnf to a new id restart mysql and…
Ben Holness
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2 answers

--log-slave-updates is OFF but some updates are still logged to the slave binary log?

MySQL version 5.5.14 According to the document, by the default, slave does not log to its binary log any updates that are received from a master server. Here are my config. on the slave: # egrep 'bin|slave'…
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1 answer

MySQL Replication: Move slave to be slave of another slave, without any (or least possible) downtime

I have the following setup: M1 = Master 1 S1 = Slave 1 S2 = Slave 2 S3 = Slave 3 Where all slaves are replicating directly from M1. I would like to move S2 and S3 to be slaves of S1. I'm not sure about how to do it without any downtime and with…
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3 answers

MySQL-5.5.10 - Lost connection to MySQL server during query (Both Web Clients and MySQL Slaves)

We've just upgraded our existing MySQL5.1 DB servers to newer (much better) hardware with MySQL 5.5, and things have been going mostly smoothly for almost 6 weeks. Just the last few days, I've noticed a few errors, such as: From a MySQL…
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