Questions tagged [sharepoint-2007]

SharePoint 2007 is a collaboration platform by Microsoft.

For SharePoint-specific questions, please see the SharePoint Stack Exchange site.

239 questions
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Can't submit timesheets on Project 2007 and Server 2008R2 new install

I'm trying to test move a SharePoint 2007 and Project 2007 to Server 2008R2 and using SQL 2008 as the backend. I'm setting it up just like I have done numerous times for Server '03 and there are no problems with those deployments. I have fresh…
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What are the dangers/consequences of reducing the SharePoint_Config_log database?

I have used DBCC ShrinkFile on a SharePoint_Config_log database and I'm wondering what the consequences of this action may be? The log file was growing upwards to >11 GB for an 8GB database and space needed to be freed up. What are some of the…
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Moving article between sites in MOSS 2007

We are avid useres of the wiki functionality in our sharepoint 2007 server. Now we want to restructure the information hierarchy. This means its required to move articles between sites (meaning categories on the same Sharepoint instance) and if…
Th 00 mÄ s
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Sharepoint 2007 Not updating Username, resulting in not sending email notifications

We are running Sharepoint 2007 here and I recently changed a number of details for one user's account in Active Directory (she changed her last name). I left her account name the same (lets say jsmith). So, she went from Jane Smith to Jane Jones,…
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SharePoint Document Library Search - Title property indexed only up to 64 characters

I am trying to get the Title property indexed as a crawled property, and then merged into the Title managed property - though I can't seem to find it as a choice in the crawled properties. I searched for all properties that contain title, and…
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How can I change the logo (not the site image) at the top of my SharePoint site?

I have recently been assigned as a SharePoint Administrator and while I have managed to figure many things out on my own, I seem to be stumped with how to change the logo/text located near the top of the page. I'm not referring to the site image,…
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Sharepoint 2007 Document Library - lost ability to rename documents

I administer a Sharepoint 2007 site. All the following occur for any user, including the farm admin user, so I am assuming this has nothing to do with permissions. On one document library only, the Name field is missing from the Edit Properties…
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If I add a new user to my sharepoint site as contributor, do I need to recrawl?

I have a sharepoint 2007 site. If I add a new user to either my custom contributor or Reader groups of site, I need to re-crawl the content in order for them to see the search results. Is it normal behavior ?
Madhur Ahuja
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Unable to open documents from SharePoint 2007

I have a number of individuals (all from the same external group) who are unable to open documents from our extranet site, which is running SharePoint 2007. The exact error is: No connectivity with the server. The file "..." can't be opened because…
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Unextending Sharepoint 2007 Web Application from a zone

When our Sharepoint was migrated from Sharepoint 2003 to Sharepoint 2007 (both fully paid versions), the consultants who carried it out extended each web app into two IIS sites/zones (e.g. the original Web App was http://intranet, then…
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3 answers

How Do I Restrict Views of a Custom List by Group in Sharepoint 2007?

I'm pretty new to Sharepoint and what I would like to do is create a huge master list of all our employees and then make different "views" on that person depending on the persons group For example: A new employee might have Salary info Security…
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Sharepoint 2007 hard disk failure

Tonight we have experienced an HD failure that does not make MOSS to start correctly anymore. We have backups and we have a new sharepoint 2010 farm that we have configured last week because we were preparing the migration. Any advice on how to…
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SharePoint- user Contribute permission still not able to edit page?

I have a site at http://moss/sites/Electronics/Laptop I have given users contribute permission on laptop site but still when they try to edit the page they are getting access denied, I have checked the permission level and all permissions are fine…
2 answers

Issues with DNS and Full Qualified Names

I have several websites running in Sharepoint, with the following urls: http:// svsp1:2000 http:// svsp1:2001 http:// svsp1:2002 (SVSP1 being the server's name, and the respective ports) And now I need to test some of them using a real Blackberry,…
1 answer

Moss 2007 on windows 7 installation compatibility

I have the machine with installed the Windows 7 Enterprise N edition. I have installed the sql server 2008 also there . so can i install MOSS 2007 on such connfiguration? if not what should i do. i tried to install but showing not compitible…
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