Questions tagged [session]

269 questions
1 answer

httpd trying to access root-owned session files

While looking into what's been causing a server to lock up/crash, I found many selinux messages in /var/log/messages. For example: setroubleshoot: SELinux is preventing /usr/sbin/httpd from getattr access on the file…
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Cisco IOS: Show incoming Telnet sessions

According to show ? the show sessions command is supposed to show Information about Telnet connections. Although I'm connected, the sessions does not show up. Both devices run Cisco IOS. How can I look up current Telnet sessions? On the router…
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Warning session start - cannot send session cache limiter - headers already sent

I'm having a slight problem and I hope you may be able to help me. I'm not a programmer or a coder but I just want to fix some troubles with my project. Here is the context. I need to install and use one of my project (eCommerce website) offline on…
Olivier Harrang
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Inconsistent behavior with Nginx's auth_request_set and more_set_input_headers

I'm trying to use the auth_request module in conjunction with the more_set_input_headers to automatically login my users into web apps. Basically, it works like this: Users have some session cookie that authenticates them. I have a PHP script…
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Enabling mod_session_crypto hangs apache 2.4

I want to try using session crypto on my apache installation so I uncomment the following line. #LoadModule session_crypto_module modules/ I restart apache and it gives me no errors. Then I browse to the site and I get…
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Only one session login RD WEB Acess

Now I created RD Web Access (RDWA) in windows server 2008 R2 everything is work well. I need your help, I have a problem Customer A use user A in PC A ( user created in windows server 2008 r2) login in RDWA ex: https://demo.local/rdweb. and run…
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Diabling Symfony2 sessions files

I'm looking for a way to disable the file saving of PHP sessions. (I do not need sessions in my application) I tried to set save_path = NULL, but it only set it to the default path (/tmp). Is there a way to do that ? Or maybe I shouldn't do it at…
Nicolas Reynolds
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Session clustering with Jetty-runner 8.1.14.v20131031

I'm using Jetty-runner 8.1.14.v20131031 and I would like to know what's the easiest way to achieve session clustering between multiples running instances.
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How does Hotspot work for its authentication?

I'd like to know how an Hotspot can understand that a user leave the Network? How can it understand that the user closed his session? Is there any solution that server can understand the user became off?
1 answer

Squid Session User Authentication

I installed Squid Transparent with Session External helper [1]. Then I created a PHP login page and user can login with his UserName, Password. But the problem is that when user login via his correct info, other people can login with authorized…
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Windows Server 2008 Terminal Server: Reconnect by Client Name

I'm in a bind right now: we're setting up a few Windows 7 Embedded client machines that are supposed to connect to a Windows Server 2008 R2 terminal server, which in turn is running the programme that the clients are to use. We've got everything set…
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Session table is filled with hundreds of sessions per second

I have a VPS (AMP server), and have 3 accounts (websites) under it. The problem started when my main website stopped working and gave me DB error (cannot connect to db). The other two websites were working but they were very very slow. I connected…
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squid proxy ext_session_acl missing from RPM package

After installing squid 3.1/3.2/3.3 on Fedora 18, Centos 6 or RHEL 6, the session helper file ext_session_acl is missing. Compiling from 3.3.source, it doesn't get compiled even when given argument to configure --enable-external-acl-helpers="session"…
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IIS Load balanced site redirects to external service, but should to return to correct server

We're implementing a pair of network load balancers for our externally and internally facing web servers. we do not plan to use session state services on either NLB, and accept that if a node goes down, the user will have to re-authenticate on the…
1 answer

Session replication in Tomcat

I have setup my cluster with one loadbalancer and 2 nodes with sticky session. I am using mod_jk for loadbalancing. I am having problem with proper session replication. I am using Tomcat 6. When I start a new session I can see that the session is…
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