Questions tagged [service-accounts]

83 questions
1 answer

What permissions to set in service account for project creation?

When I configure google cloud cli with my credentials, it is able to create a new project and create resources inside it. But, for automation purpose in a pipeline, not able to use with my credentials as it will open a webpage and generate a code at…
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Login to HashiCorp Vault with Kubernetes Auth from Pod with Vault CLI

TL;DR: What is the proper way to login from Vault CLI in a Kubernetes Pod using the Kubernetes Auth Method. I want to create regular snapshots from my HashiCorp Vault raft storage. So I created a Kubernetes CronJob running the same image as my Vault…
Max N.
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Must all services of ADCS run under the same service account on the same server?

While deploying ADCS, on the documentation Microsoft recommends using service accounts for the services making up ADCS. The problem is that it doesn't address if these should be individually managed, if they could share a host, nor it is addressed…
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Pod assigned node role instead of service account role on AWS EKS

First some info about the setup: EKS version: 1.21 eksctl version: 0.77.0 AWS Go SDK verion: v1.44.28 Deploying using kubectl I have a k8s cluster on AWS EKS on which I am deploying a custom k8s controller for my application. Using instructions…
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Accessing BigQuery data from different project in same organization with a Service Account

I'm having some serious trouble getting the official BigQuery client (in Python 3) to a different project in the same organization authorized from a Cloud Run service. The Cloud Run service is in Project Main, and I'm trying to access a table in…
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Access denied (SA doesn't have storage.objects.create access) when trying to upload using a preSigned url to google cloud storage

Having issues trying to allow a client to upload a file via a presigned url. Error received AccessDenied Access…
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IIS Worker doesn't run or crashes immediately

We have an IIS app hosted on Windows 2016 Server which runs fine, when running as Local User or Network Service. One of the customers is setting up the application to run on a Service Account (probably Group Managed Service account). When running…
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Can a service account access all APIs?

For an api-key, one can define which APIs can be accessed with that api-key, but for service accounts, you seemingly can't. I thought maybe I could create a new role that only allows access to the vision API, but there is no permission for that. How…
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