Questions tagged [scheduler]

62 questions
1 answer

Why my disk elevator is set to "deadline"

I have CentOS 6.x Linux server with kernel 2.6.32-573.8.1.el6.x86_64. I did some checks today and I found that disk elevator is "deadline". [root@srv ~]# cat /sys/block/sda/queue/scheduler noop anticipatory [deadline] cfq I have almost same…
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How are threads distributed among cores in a multi-processor system?

I'm currently checking out the limits of a server application on a system with two 12-core processors, i.e. 24 cores. (Hyper-threading currently disabled). I'm running 12 UDP receive-heavy instances of that same app on that box, and it maxes out all…
0 answers

Win Srv 2012 task scheduler - trigger based on domain workstation logon/logoff/sleep/wake

I've got a domain controller (only one) with Win Srv 2012 and a number of workstations with Win 7. I need to run a task on a DC straight after domain user logon/off/sleep/wake to a workstation. The script is a powershell script that inserts data…
Przemyslaw Wojda
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3 answers

Slurm, limit the number of jobs per partition

I am configuring a Slurm scheduler, and I need limit the number of maximum jobs running concurrently on a partition (queue). I am reading a lot of information about accounting and resources, but is all related to user limits, also I read about…
José Manuel
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2 answers

How to change the scheduler of a RAID 5 device?

I've created a RAID 5 device block by combining 4 HDDs. The name of my device is md1. But the /sys/block/md1/queue/scheduler file outputs "none" on doing cat. And also after editing it using vim its throwing…
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cpusets not working - threads aren't running in the cpuset I specified?

I have used cpuset to shield some cpus for exclusive use by some realtime threads. Displaying the cpuset config with the test app RealtimeTest1 running and its tasks moved into the cpusets: $ cset set --list -r cset: Name CPUs-X …
Steve Lorimer
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sched_setaffinity fails after I've used cset shield

I am using cset shield to create a user shield with a set of cpus cset shield --cpu 1,3,5,7 --kthread on The idea behind this is to reserve these cpus for my application code, and push all other tasks plus the movable kernel threads onto the other…
Steve Lorimer
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2 answers

Linux Scheduler (not using all cores on multi-core machine) RHEL6

I'm seeing strange behavior on one of my servers (running RHEL 6). There seems to be something wrong with the scheduler. Here's the test program I'm using: #include #include #include void RunClient(int i) { …
0 answers

adTempus - trying to create a complicated schedule for a certain task

We've (that is, to say, my client) implemented the Windows-platform scheduling software adTempus, and have a task with a peculiar schedule. The task needs to run on the 31st day of the month, but of course only in months that have 31 days, and only…
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Where can I find a complete list of Windows Scheduler Status Codes?

I am having troubles with a task I added to the Windows Scheduler and now I am trying to debug it. It is returning status code 267011 (in Hex: 41303). Where can I find a complete reference describing the Status Codes of the Windows Scheduler? Only…
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Low performance on file copy operations due large idle times (rsync, cp, ..)

I'm currently copying large directory tree from an external HDD to to internal storage of my server. The performance of the copy operation is basically quite good, i.e. 35MB/s with the external HDD connected via USB2. However, I only get this…
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OpenShift Spanning Cluster: Distribute Replicas evenly between datacenters

I have an OpenShift Cluster which is spanned between two physical separated datacenters for georedundancy. The nodes are labeled according to their location. Now i'm searching for a way to configure the scheduler in such a way that if a pod is…
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2 answers

CRON - execute on days 1-5 during weeks 25 - 36

Is there any way to schedule execution of CRON: only during weeks 25 - 36 during the year and only on Mon - Frid (not weekends) This is because of summer holidays when people place a lot of orders on our products. It is pretty tedious to change…
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1 answer

Multiple crons at same interval fails - linux crontab

In my server, I have scheduled following set of cron files. 00 21 * * * /bin/sh /path/ */2 * * * * /usr/bin/php /path/file1.php */2 * * * * /usr/bin/php /path/file2.php ... */2 * * * * /usr/bin/php /path/file7.php */2 * * * *…
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2 answers

Job scheduler with target list

I want to have a scheduler that can run a command on a list of targets using a cluster of nodes. So, for example I want to run Nmap on a list of IP's. These IP's can be in a CSV, JSON, database etc. that's not a problem. I want the scheduler to take…