Questions tagged [scheduler]

62 questions
1 answer

php core script not getting called from Crontab

I am using core PHP and written a simple script that needs to be called automatically. For testing purpose I have just written a print statement as below, $host = 'localhost'; $user = 'admin'; $pass = 'password'; $db = 'TestDB'; print ($user); When…
1 answer

Scheduler to switch things on/off based on weekday, date and time of day

I'm looking for a Linux program that can give me an on/off answer based on time. I'm thinking of something that can read simple rules like these mon-wed 18:30-21:15 thu 17:30-21:15 fri 14:00-17:00 2016.10.10 10:00-13:00 and give me a…
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