Questions tagged [scheduler]

62 questions
8 answers

Task scheduler scheduled task at startup not working

I have scheduled a task to be run at system startup. But its not working. When I run the task manually, it is working. Below are the screenshots of the settings. What have I done wrong here? This task executes a bat file that launches a process.…
1 answer

Taskset not working over a range of cores in isolcpus

To preface I'm using Debian Wheezy with kernel 3.2 on an AMD64 chipset. My machine has two Xeon E5-2690 cores. I set up the boot parameters so that all the cores on one CPU are dedicated to a single process. To do this I've set…
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Cronjob run every two weeks, on Saturday, starting on this saturday

Today is Friday, October 3, 2014 3:58 AM I want to schedule a cronjob like that to run it at the following dates: Saturday, October 4, 2014 8:00 AM Saturday, October 18, 2014 8:00 AM Saturday, November 1, 2014 8:00 AM ... ... So every 2 weeks , on…
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5 answers

What does it mean when Linux has no I/O scheduler

I have some virtual machines running Ubuntu cloud-based image 14.04-1 LTS version. I wanted to see the IO performance of different IO schedulers on the VM so I went to /sys/block//queue/scheduler on the guest OS to change the IO scheduler.…
Ha Son Hai
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3 answers

Renice: How to change all threads?

When I renice a multithreaded process in Ubuntu 10.04, then view the results in top, it seems that only the main thread actually gets reniced. All the other threads retain their old nice value. What's the easiest way to renice all threads in a…
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information about /proc/pid/sched

Not sure this is the right place for this question, but here goes: I'm trying to make some sense of the /proc/pid/sched and /proc/pid/task/tid/sched files for a highly threaded server process, however I was not able to find a good explanation of how…
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Does CoreOS have a cluster aware job scheduler?

Ive been checking out CoreOS and I'm impressed. Before I found CoreOS I was looking at the Mesos/Marathon/Chronos stack as a "cluster kernel". Given the following comparison: init.d == Mesos+Marathon == CoreOS+Fleet cron == Mesos+Chronos ==…
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Can enabling a RAID controller's writeback cache harm overall performance?

I have an 8 drive RAID 10 setup connected to an Adaptec 5805Z, running Centos 5.5 and deadline scheduler. A basic dd read test shows 400mb/sec, and a basic dd write test shows about the same. When I run the two simultaneously, I see the read speed…
5 answers

Nice level not working on linux

I have some highly floating point intensive processes doing very little I/O. One is called "xspec", which calculates a numerical model and returns a floating point result back to a master process every second (via stdout). It is niced at the 19…
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1 answer

How do I test the effect of ionice (against a device using the cfq scheduler)?

I'm trying to construct an experiment to measure the effect of ionice. What I'd like to do is to (per another answer on serverfault) cause frequent enough I/O that a sufficiently "niced" process is starved of any I/O. Based on another answer on…
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What is the difference between h_rss and h_vmem in Sun Grid Engine (SGE)?

So far as I understood, mem_free can be specified to submit a job in a host that has the memory free = mem_free, whereas h_vmem is the hard limit of the memory up to which the job can consume and if the job reaches the h_vmem, the job crashes? I…
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2 answers

Are there cluster resource schedulers abstraction layers?

I'm writing an application that could potentially be run on any cluster resource scheduler (SGE, LSF or SLURM to name a few of them), using very basic functionalities. I'm wondering if a framework/abstraction layer does exist for interacting with…
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2 answers

How to properly set CPU Units for OpenVz VEs

According to all the sources I read (openvz wiki, various mailinglists, forums, ..) the values of the cpuunits settings are relative to each other. So when all are equal and the system is busy, all receive the same cpu share. But something still…
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1 answer

Cron job management

What would you use as cron jobs management tool, viewer (web application based on PHP / MySQL would be preferred / gui required)? Having an overview of multiple jobs running periodically is crucial for me. Something offering calendar views or gantt…
Thierry M.S.
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1 answer

Setting I/O scheduler for SSD based RAID array on EC2 instances

I created a RAID array using the 2 local SSD drives on a EC2 c3.4xlarge instance. # mdadm --create /dev/md127 --level=0 --raid-devices=2 /dev/xvdf /dev/xvdg # mkfs.ext4 /dev/md127 # mkdir /data # echo 'DEVICE /dev/xvdf /dev/xvdg' > /etc/mdadm.conf #…
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