Questions tagged [ruby]

Ruby is a general-purpose object-oriented open-source scripting language. It sees a high degree of use in the configuration management space, and is popular for web development due to the high adoption of Ruby On Rails

Ruby is an object oriented programming language that has programmer productivity as one of its design goals. Most people are familiar with it these days as part of Ruby On Rails, a web application framework.

499 questions
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Running Ruby methods via cron having issues

So I have a method that is run every 10 minutes (Background.cron) to be exact. Background.cron loops through a set of database rows and if certain criteria are met, an ActionMailer method is run to send out an email. But what seems to be happening…
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4 answers

Upgrading Ubuntu hardy to Ruby 1.8.7

My server is running Ubuntu Hardy and Ruby 1.8.6 installed using aptitude. I'd like to upgrade to Ruby 1.8.7 but, unfortunately, the Ruby package includes Ruby 1.8.7 starting from Ubuntu Intrepid. I read a couple of tutorials about how to upgrade to…
Simone Carletti
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Make puppet run without overwriting my gems in RVM installation

I have a puppet setup containing a puppet master and couple of nodes - this works as intended. However - on the latest node I am working on I need to install rvm/ruby+nginx/passenger. This is done using these puppet modules maestrodev-rvm…
1 answer

Unable to deploy a rails application using eb cli

I recently updated my environments configuration to :64bit Amazon Linux 2015.03 v1.4.6 running Ruby 2.2 (Passenger Standalone). After deploying my application using eb deploy i now get an error in my var/log/eb-commandprocessor.log that…
2 answers

DNS lookups eventually become consistently slow in long lived ruby process

I have a Ruby application running on an Ubuntu server, and this application frequently has to make HTTP requests to other services. Some of those services are on an internal domain, some are reachable by public DNS. I have a Consul agent colocated…
1 answer

Logstash event @timestamp adjustment

I have standard Windows IIS log files with event date/time stamp information and timetaken (in milliseconds). I would like to be able to adjust the event time (@timestamp) by subtracting the "timetaken" to be able to record when the event started…
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Switching ruby versions with Passenger, getting error

I switched from 2.2.5 to 2.1.5 recently and noticed that I get an attempt to compile and download the interpreter as such: [ 2015-10-25 11:15:15.3328 8841/b6ad5b40 age/Cor/CoreMain.cpp:793 ]: Disconnecting long-running connections for process 16579,…
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Puppet does not work with augeas in a multiple ruby versions environment

I am trying to make puppet work with augeas but it complains there is no augeas provider. Some googling suggested to sudo yum install augeas augtool ls /files/etc/php.ini # test it works as expected sudo yum install ruby-augeas # this is to…
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Why is the ruby install so slow

The recommended way to install ruby is through rvm and rbenv. Why are these methods so slow? I have seen packages 10x times larger installing in much quicker time.
Kimda K
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EC2 : How to assign multiple elastic IPs to a single network interface via SDK

Would anyone know how to associate multiple Elastic IPs to a single instance via the Amazon SDK ? In Ruby, I've tried to use both the aws-sdk and fog gems, which work fine for a single address, but error out trying to assign multiple. Via the Web…
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4 answers

Foreman installation on amazon ec2 instance

Hi there and thank you for reading, I am currently in the process of setting up a puppet service for our ec2 instances and decided to give foreman a try (node certificate management and automatic passenger setup seems nice). Unfortunately I'm…
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gem install append CPPFLAGS / LDFLAGS

I can't seem to get gem install charlock_holmes -v to work. I can hand edit the ./ext/charlock_holmes/extconf.rb and includ $INCFLAGS << " -I/usr/local/include " $LDFLAGS << " -L/usr/local/lib " execute make cleanly and re-write the spec…
Rob Paisley
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bundler: command not found: unicorn_rails

While restarting gitlab I get this: Starting both the GitLab Unicorn and Sidekiqbundler: command not found: unicorn_rails Install missing gem executables with `bundle install I installed gitlab 6.3.0 with ruby 1.9.3 on my centos 6.3 vm. I tried…
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A chef recipe to install ruby 1.9.3 system wide without rvm nor rbenv

I'm looking for an Opscode Chef cookbook that installs system-wide Ruby version 1.9.3, patch-level latest at the time of the run_list execution. Have done some research and there is a Brightbox PPA available at least for Ubuntu flavors. I wonder if…
Leo Gallucci
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What happens when Phusion PassengerMaxPoolSize is reached?

The subject of my post pretty much sums up my question: What happens when PassengerMaxPoolSize is reached? For Example: PassengerMaxPoolSize is configured to 40 based off our system specs What happens if all 40 sessions are active (processing a…
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