I'm looking for an Opscode Chef cookbook that installs system-wide Ruby version 1.9.3, patch-level latest at the time of the run_list execution.

Have done some research and there is a Brightbox PPA available at least for Ubuntu flavors.

I wonder if there is a well written cross-platform Chef cookbook that replace old 1.8.7 Ruby by 1.9.3 or better without depending on RVM nor rbenv.

Leo Gallucci
  • 160
  • 9
  • Could you specify for which operating system and version? I guess that's quite relevant especially since not all cookbookes/repositories work on all operating systems – Philipp Nov 26 '13 at 09:19
  • Sure! I would say at least Ubuntu/Debian based distros. Preferable any *nix and ideal would include Mac OS X and Windows. – Leo Gallucci Nov 26 '13 at 13:26

1 Answers1


I finally managed to solve this (at least on Ubuntu) by using the cookbook 'ruby_build', '>= 0.8.0' with this simple recipe:

include_recipe 'ruby_build'

ruby_build_ruby '1.9.3-p484' do
  prefix_path '/usr/local'
  action :install

Note the prefix_path i used worked perfectly fine on Ubuntu 12.04 since /usr/local/bin is already in system $PATH


/usr/local is a place to install files built by the administrator usually by using the make command

Leo Gallucci
  • 160
  • 9