Questions tagged [ruby]

Ruby is a general-purpose object-oriented open-source scripting language. It sees a high degree of use in the configuration management space, and is popular for web development due to the high adoption of Ruby On Rails

Ruby is an object oriented programming language that has programmer productivity as one of its design goals. Most people are familiar with it these days as part of Ruby On Rails, a web application framework.

499 questions
2 answers

How to make Chef-Server use Ruby 1.9 on Ubuntu?

I've installed Chef Server on Ubuntu 12.04 using the official instructions, which uses the "omnibus installer" that has embedded ruby 1.8.7. I'm trying to install knife-windows, but when I run gem install knife-windows I get this error: ERROR: …
Eric Lathrop
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RPM Package a ruby project

I want to package a ruby program that I get from git into a RPM package. I have at my disposition a build server and a production server (Same OS / Same Arch). As most ruby project, mine does have gem dependencies. I found two ways of doing what I…
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SSH 'connection reset' when attempting multiple simultaneous outbound connections to the same host

I have a script that executes a Rake remote task which executes once for each of two roles. Both roles are users on the same Vagrant instance. So essentially the task is opening two SSH connections to the same VM in parallel and executing some…
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How can I set up redis to run automatically on my Ubuntu machine the way it does on mac

On my (new) mac I can use spork and redis seems to be already running. However on my Ubuntu system (11.10) I get Connection refused - Unable to connect to Redis on localhost:6379 (Errno::ECONNREFUSED) I can get around this with redis-server which…
Michael Durrant
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2 answers

Changing PATH Environment Variable for all Users. (Ubuntu)

I recently compiled Ruby Enterprise Edition (REE) on an Ubuntu 8.04 server. I would like to update my PATH to ensure this new version of Ruby (found in /opt/ruby_ee/bin) supersedes the older version in /usr/local/bin. (I still want the old version…
2 answers

What is the best AMI to use in Amazon for a Ruby server?

I have previously installed instances of Amazon EC2 servers. I know that it takes a while to get MySQL, Postgres, Rubygems, Ruby, etc.. installed on the server. I'm wondering if there is a better way. For example, getting started with an…
5 answers

Running Ruby on Rails App on Apache + Passenger == to much memory

I'm running redmine (a RoR app) on my server using passenger / Apache 2.2. Passenger and ruby are using way too much memory. Is there a more memory effective way to run redmine/ruby? I only need to support a half dozen redmine users. I want to…
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1 answer

Cannot install passenger with Nginx

I have a rack application that I want to migrate from Ruby 1.8.7 + Apache + passenger to Ruby 1.9.1 + Nginx + passenger. I have made up the following script for a quick install all in one, and it raises an error... Here is the installation script:…
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3 answers

Is it possible to use custom script for authentication with PAM?

I want to enable users to use my rails application's credentials for login to sftp account. If I understand correctly I should somehow use PAM for this. But I didn't find any info on how to do this?
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How to setup Nginx with Varnish

I'd like to see how to configure Nginx and Varnish. I'm running several PHP sites and Rack-Sinatra sites as virtual hosts across two IP's. I'd like to prevent Nginx from having to serve static files, since I'm noticing some delays. Edit: I've…
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What specifically does FastCGI do (for Ruby, Java, and Python)?

If I have a server running Apache, and I install FastCGI, would that let me run Ruby and Python scripts? If Python is already installed on the server, wouldn't I just be able to add .py to the CGI section in the httpd.conf file to have Python…
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3 answers

What are my automation options with VMWare ESXi 3?

We have a brand new Dell 28-something-or-other that is running bare metal VMWare ESXi 3. I'm getting conflicting information on whether there's a command line console for things lke creating new VMs, etc. I want to be able to automate (preferably…
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1 answer

Optimal settings for Postfix and optimizing a custom delivery script on a VPS

So I have Postfix + saslauthd + Courier-IMAP deployed on a Linode 1080 VPS. We are a small company, we have around 30 accounts (I use physical *nix users for the sake of convenience + Maildirs, see later), but we make extensive use of Courier's…
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2 answers

Puppet: Replacing create_resources() with hash iteration

We're migrating from Puppet 2 to 5. It seems the scoping is a little different. Before, when using create_resources() with a hiera_hash and a default hash, variables from within the calling script were available to the ERB, but now they don't seem…
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1 answer

Set environment variables from header for Ruby/Rails app hosted in Nginx/Passenger

I installed a server for Redmine, running with Nginx/Passenger. The server also hosts Gitlab and it goes well. I put some kind of SSO plugin for Redmine (which I found and installed) and it needs an environment variable to be filled with the user…
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