Questions tagged [rhel8]

Enterprise Linux distribution released by Red Hat in 2019 and supported through 2029

110 questions
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RHEL8 and GSSAPI Kerberos authenticate through Apache issue

I'm trying to run an apache virtualhost, on a machine currently running Red Hat Enterprise Linux release 8.5 (Ootpa), with Kerberos authentication using the new GSSAPI module (replacement of mod_auth_kerb). I also configured LDAP directives to…
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Redhat don't show a single logical RAID5 drive, but I did it on hp storage machment assistant

I have a HP Proliant Microserver Gen10 plus, with 4 disk of 1T each one and configured for RAID5 from hp storage manager assistant. The configuration for create the array was good without errors. But when I did boot rhel-8.4-x86_64-dvd.iso the…
1 answer

On RHEL/CentOS/Oracle Linux installer Software Selection screen, what do the packages/environments actually install?

When installing Oracle Linux, at one point you need to choose the software. What actual packages are actually installed when you select Server, Minimal Install, and the subpackages such as Standard or Headless Management?
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SELinux is preventing /usr/local/bin/python3.10 from append access on the file /data/logs/v100t1-grab.log

I am running RHEL 8. I am using podman to run containers with python apps. The apps need to rotate the logs. I am seeing this error on journalctl -xe: SELinux is preventing /usr/local/bin/python3.10 from append access on the file…
Lakshmi Anand K
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1 answer

How to avoid ExecStop status in systemctl status

systemctl status command shows the ExecStop Failure message. Even though my service is up and running. testDB.service - the testDB service Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/testDB.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled) Active: active…
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How to check if KVM nested virtualization is supported on ARM64 processor?

I have a virtual machine running RHEL 8.5 on an ARM64 (aarch64) processor - Arm Neoverse N1. Every tutorial I've found states looking at either /sys/module/kvm_amd or the /sys/module/kvm_intel folder to figure out whether nested virtualization is…
Sayan J. Das
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Nginx returning 404 on all static files when using upstream and reverse proxy with VueJS apps

I have two instances of the same VueJS app in two different servers. I'm trying to use upstream form nginx for load balancing but it is returning 404 on all files under static. I've tried to keep this as simple as I could, this are the Nginx config…
1 answer

NFSv4 and kerberos: access denied 50% of the time

We are trying to mount NFSv4 shares on RHEL 8 clients, with kerberos. We have a very similar setup on another environment, and it worked fine. But on this setup, it happens that we get access denied around 50% of the times we try to mount a share: #…
0 answers

RHEL 7 systemctl: Combine multiple services into one. start the service independently

I have followed the steps from RedHat to start the multiple services into one service. /etc/systemd/system/ [Unit] Description=App Service Unit # This collection of apps should be started at…
1 answer

Is it possible to use https with a Tang Network Bound Disk Encryption server?

Is it possible to use https with a Tang Network Bound Disk Encryption (NBDE) server? Redhat's documentation casually says this is possible, but I can't find any examples of this anywhere and the source code leaves me to believe otherwise.
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How to disable DEBUG logs on catalina.out (Tomcat 9)?

I'm getting a lot of DEBUG related logs on catalina.out of tomcat 9. Is there any way to eliminate those DEBUG logs? Changing the log level to WARNING doesn't work for me. Thanks in advance.
0 answers

How to give permission to open a log file in RHEL 8

I am getting this error like SELinux is preventing /usr/sbin/httpd from open access on the file /var/log/error.log what to do here? How can I allow access to this file? Any clue?
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Restrict some local Linux users to not be able to do anything on the machine

Long story short, I'm setting up a Dovecot mail server. Originally, I intended to use virtual users for the IMAP/POP3 authentication - basically making Dovecot look its own users up in a separate passwd file, meaning that our mail users would not be…
Marty Cagas
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1 answer

Enforce TLS1.2 in sssd client

In one of our environments Linux servers are set up with sssd / OpenLDAP for OS login. To support older servers our OpenLDAP server has to support TLSv1.0 and TLSv1.1 still. RedHat 8 does no longer support TLS levels below TLSv1.2, and thus the…
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4 answers

How to install a specific version of PostgreSQL in Red Hat 8?

I'd like to install a specific version of PostgreSQL in RHEL 8 with dnf. To achieve this I followed the PostgreSQL guide : But actually I can only install the last version (12.9) not the 12.4 (the…
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