Questions tagged [rhel8]

Enterprise Linux distribution released by Red Hat in 2019 and supported through 2029

110 questions
1 answer

Expecting a password in the middle of script in RHEL

I want to copy files from another server it's expecting a password to copy... Where as sshpass is working in Ubuntu, but in RHEL is there a way to pass the password in the script.
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Issue with RHEL8/CentOS8 remote virt-viewer and firewalld

In our lab we have a RHEL8 server with developer subscription. On the machine we have a few VMs and some of them are on a private libvirt network, thus we can only access them via virt-viewer. We use various Fedora 32/33 to connect to the lab…
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is it possible to set default home-directory based on the users gidnumber?

I'm aware that I can change the general settings by running: ipa config-mod --homedirectory=/some/path what I would like to achieve is for IPA to change it to a different path based on the GID/GIDnumber of the user created, e.g: ipa user-add user10…
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1 answer

Unable to open PHP script files, even though I own them and have permissions

I'm using RHEL 8, and I have run into a crazy problem. My user account is unable to open PHP files. If I have a file, owned by my user, and readable by my user, and I add
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How to restrict users switching from su command

How can I restrict users switching by su command? Suppose there are 3 users (root,user1 and user2) only root and user1 can switch by using su command. root or user1 should not be able to switch to user2 by using su command. root@instance# su - user1…
2 answers

Want to allow application to mount a drive using rhel 8

I can mount my drive using sudo mount.cifs ...... I can unmount doing sudo umount /mnt/mountpoint It was prompting me for a password, so I changed the sudoers file to NOPASSWD:ALL and now it does not prompt me. I have an application and I want to be…
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How best to connect a Windows 10 laptop to a RHEL 8 virtual machine?

I use a Windows 10 PC to log into and work on a Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 system every day. I have been using xpra to talk to it. Xpra dies every few minutes for a few seconds. Very irritating. I'm told that RHEL8 doesn't support xrdp. Yes, I…
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0 answers

Unable to ssh (port 22) to Ubuntu 20.04 from RHEL8

I have a server running Ubuntu 20.04 LTS. The firewall (ufw) is disabled and it is accepting incoming ssh connections on port 22. I have a server running RHEL7 set up ages ago and it works fine with outgoing ssh towards the Ubuntu server. I am now…
Free Radical
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0 answers

Oracle Linux 8 getting DHCP but DNS not updating

My Oracle Linux 7 boxes automatically get a DHCP address and then BIND9 DNS is updated successfully. I recently installed an Oracle Linux 8 box, and while it is successfully assigned a DHCP ip address, BIND9 DNS is not being updated causing…
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How to install pam_mount on RHEL 8?

I'm trying to install pam_mount on RHEL8 but keep getting this: rror: Problem: package pam_mount-2.16-10.el8.x86_64 requires hxtools, but none of the providers can be installed - conflicting requests - nothing provides perl(encoding) needed by…
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Unable to use YUM. RHEL 8.2 server hosted in Azure

I have a Red Hat server hosted in Azure and when I try to use yum to install software or do a system update I get the below error, Errors during downloading metadata for repository 'rhui-rhel-8-for-x86_64-baseos-rhui-rpms': Curl error (28): Timeout…
0 answers

Client machine unable to connect to the local ftp repository server. Writes an error: Failed to synchronize cache for repo '***', ignoring this repo

Please help me to understand where I was wrong, because I've read a lot of articles also I've seen lot's of Youtube videos, but all the time in the end I've got the same error result. So, on my Server machine ( I've install from the…
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New to RHEL; Coming from Fedora; Different repo managers?

I'm coming from fedora. Just testing the waters in RHEL 8.2 None of my standard dnf packages are available. For instance: $ sudo dnf install powerline powerline-fonts [sudo] password for adamhanna: Updating Subscription Management…
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3 answers

ImportError: No module named svn.core Python Traceback

I am working on the Setup of the Subversion server in one of my environments using RHEL 8 Apache 2.4 Subversion 1.10.6 Python 2.7 Viewvc 1.2.1 Apache & Subversion installation has been done successfully. Further I am trying to use the WebSVN as…
1 answer

Increasing ulimit open files not applied in RHEL 8.1

I have a fully-updated Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 8.1 x86_64 system where, as a local user in a local terminal (i.e. not remotely via SSH), when I run ulimit -Sn it says 1024 and ulimit -Hn yields 4096. I would like to increase those numbers…
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