Questions tagged [request-tracker]

Request Tracker (RT) is a free and open source ticket tracking application used for helpdesks, bug tracking, project management, and other collaboration.

Request Tracker (RT) is a free and open source ticket tracking application used for helpdesks, bug tracking, project management, and other collaboration. It is written in Perl and runs on Linux and *nix type systems. It supports MySQL, Postgres, and Oracle as back-end databases. The primary interface is web-based and most functions can also be accessed via email. It is commercially supported by Best Practical Solutions.

46 questions
2 answers

Install RequestTracker (RT) on Windows Server?

Is it possible to install the latest RT on Windows Server? I've found some installers online for previous versions, but can't find any tutorials for the current version. Currently trying to do something with Cygwin, but I've got a feeling I'm…
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2 answers

How to make Request Tracker use an external SMTP mail server?

I am using Ubuntu 10.04 and by following this tutorial I have made RT run well in everything except for sending outbound emails. The difference is, I need to make RT use an external, existing mail server. The mail server is accessible via SMTP with…
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1 answer

Best Practical RT, sorting email into queues automatically using procmail

I'm trying to get incoming e-mail to automatically go directly into whichever queue/ticket they are related to or create a new one if none exist and the right queue e-mail setup in the web interface is used. I will have too many queues to have two…
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RT database scaling

Recently I heard someone suggest that RT request tracker may have scalability issues due to its non-normalized database (someone at a Perl meeting I went to referred to it in a positive light as hyper-normalized, but I think he may have…
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SELinux - FCGID program being blocked and no log on /var/log/audit/audit.log

I have a setup where a certain link on my Web Server is redirected to a FCGID module. When I disable SELinux with 'setenforce 0' the site works. When I enable it won't work, it gives me a "Error 500 - Internal Server error". I'm used to fixing these…
1 answer

GnuPG::Interface fails to install on CentOS 7

I'm trying to install a CentOS 7 server to run Request Tracker. By running make testdeps I can see all missing packages and make fixdeps is supposed to install this packages. There is one package that I can't install (GnuPG::Interface). This package…
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2 answers

Search messages in Request Tracker

In request-tracker, there is a search box in the top-right corner. When entering a word, request tracker searches the subjects of the tickets for the word entered. Is there a way to make RT search the body of the message or the entire thread?
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1 answer

Request Tracker 4 html mail Inline images not visible

I am working with Request Tracker 4.0.15. My installation uses getmail to attach (or create) html-emails to tickets, however, the inline images are not visible:
text text text text text

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Request tracker: Auto assign owner on reply

We recently migrated from Spiceworks to RT4. In Spiceworks, you could set it to where it auto assigns a ticket upon an tech's reply or use email tags to assign it to another tech. Is there a way to accomplish this functionality in RT4? I assume…
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0 answers

How to integrate RTIR with Nagios

I have installed RTIR with RT v 3.8.4. I have also Nagios installed for monitoring a number of our servers. Now, in the download website of RTIR (, it says "We've already built integrations with…
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1 answer

Active directory authentication with Request tracker

I have a single organizational unit in AD server for the purpose of integrating many desktop PC's. Now, I have installed Request tracker v 4.0.8 and integrated it with AD server. Now the issue is, I don't want to authenticate all the user who are in…
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1 answer

How to integrate request tracker 4.0.8 with active directory 2008 server

I have installed request tracker v 4.0.8 and everything is working. Now I'm trying to integrate it with Active Directory 2008. I used this DOC: But unable to get it working. The RT weblogin…
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1 answer

File::Temp version 0.18 required--this is only version 16

I ran YUM on a server running BestPractical's RT. Now Apache won't start. Looking at the error log I get this error: File::Temp version 0.18 required--this is only version 0.16 at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8/MIME/ line 14. I ran CPAN…
David Mackey
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1 answer

Request Tracker migrate PostgreSQL to MySQL

I am in the process of migrating a request tracker 3.6 instance from one server to another. The old server uses PostgreSQL and the new one will use MySQL. Is there a way to migrate the data from one database to another?
Sean Preston
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1 answer

Request Tracker sqlite to mysql migration

I'm planning to migrate request tracket 3.6 from present server. The rt is running on sqlite and the new one will be mysql. Is there any way to migrate sqlitedb to mysql server. Thanks in Advance.
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