I'm trying to install a CentOS 7 server to run Request Tracker. By running make testdeps
I can see all missing packages and make fixdeps
is supposed to install this packages. There is one package that I can't install (GnuPG::Interface
). This package is used by Perl.
I already tried to install it by cpan install GnuPG::Interface
and cpan install GnuPG::Interface --force
, but everytime I get an error message saying:
Can't locate Fatal.pm in @INC (@INC contains: ./t /root/.cpan/build/GnuPG-Interface-0.51-CdOOe3/inc
/root/.cpan/build/GnuPG-Interface-0.51-CdOOe3/blib/lib /root/.cpan/build/GnuPG-Interface-0.51-
CdOOe3/blib/arch /usr/local/lib64/perl5 /usr/local/share/perl5 /usr/lib64/perl5/vendor_perl
/usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl /usr/lib64/perl5 /usr/share/perl5 .) at /root/.cpan/build/GnuPG
-Interface-0.51-CdOOe3/blib/lib/GnuPG/Interface.pm line 23.
I've tried to run yum install perl-Test-Fatal
, but even after the installation process the error keep coming. The same happens if I try to install using cpan